Soul Stone

(Redirected from Soul stone)

Soul Stone

Soul Stone.png
Soul Stone.png
Soul Stone
This item has no description.
Use it to train your Grandmaster skills.

This item is not used in quests.


Plump Ebony Box, Yellow Ebony Box, The Light Green Wood Box, Green Ebony Box, Blue Ebony Box, Purple Ebony Box, Iron Box, Eternal Winter Chest, Christmas Chest

Tradable Dropable Storable Stackable
NPC Trade Window Private Shop Mailbox
Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo
Looking Glass.pngTrading Glass.png  ⇒  This item cannot be found in Shop Search

  • If you use a soul stone, you lose rank points. With every Grandmaster step, you lose more rank points.
G1 -> G2: 1000
G2 -> G3: 1500
G3 -> G4: 2000
G4 -> G5: 2500
G5 -> G6: 3000
G6 -> G7: 3500
G7 -> G8: 4000
G8 -> G9: 4500
G9 -> G10: 5000
G10 -> Perfect master: 5500
  • If there is a chance that you has after reading a negative place, you must type the word "training" confirm.
  • ATTENTION: If you have a negative points already, the ranking points get deducted DOUBLE!
  • Can be read about every 6-12 hours.

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