Grotto of Exile V2

(Redirected from Watery Cavern 2)
Grotto of Exile V2 Header.jpg

FlagNeutral.png Grotto of Exile V2
Grotto of Exile 2 is a very known farming and leveling map. To access it, you must first walk through Grotto of Exile. Monsters here are often dropping Level 70 weapons up to +5. Also Iron Chests, Clams and Herbs. When you walk to the upper left corner, you can start the dungeon Dragon's Temple. If you give Ghost of a Sura the required materials, you can fight Beran-Setaou.
Interactive Map
Ghost of a SuraGhost of a WarriorGrotto of ExileSura-Skeleton 5Grotto of Exile V2 Interactive Map.png
No metins available on this map
Ore Veins
No ore veins available on this map

Other Information
Boss Location
Metins spawn areas
Grotto2.jpg No image available for metin spawn areas.
Adjacent areas
Old Man
You cannot reach this area via the Old Man
You cannot reach this area via the Teleporter