Difference between revisions of "The research of the biologist 5"

[checked revision][checked revision]
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[[gr:Η έρευνα του βιολόγου 5]]
[[gr:Η έρευνα του βιολόγου 5]]
[[it:La ricerca di Chaegirab]]
[[it:La ricerca di Chaegirab]]
[[nl:Die Forschung des Biologen (Zelkova Holzast)]]
[[pl:Badania Biologa 5]]
[[pl:Badania Biologa 5]]
[[tr:Biolog Araştırma Görevi 5]]
[[tr:Biolog Araştırma Görevi 5]]

Revision as of 16:55, 22 November 2014

< Main Page < List of Quests / Questcategory < The research of the biologist 5
Scroll Open.png The research of the biologist 5 Scroll Open.png - Required Level 70
Quest Starter
Quest Reward
This Quest appears automatically.
  • +10% Movement speed (permanent)
  • +10% Damage reduction (permanent) (not 10% defense)
  • Background.pngGreen Ebony Box.png Green Ebony Box
Steps to completion
Graphic Walkthrough

< Main_Page < List of Quests / Questcategory < The research of the biologist 5