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m (Bot: Adding it:Lettera dal Fabbro)
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A mesage from the blacksmith.It is used for the level 9 mision:The Letter of the BlackSmith.
[http://e-writer.org/dissertation.php dissertation writers]
|Description = A letter from a friend of Blacksmith.
|Function = *[[Quest Items|Quest Item]]
|Origin = :*[[Blacksmith]]
|Quest = :*Level 9 ''[[The letter of the BlackSmith]]''
|Other =
|Category = Quest
[[cz:Dopis od kováře]]
[[de:Brief vom Schmied]]
[[es:Carta del Herrero]]
[[gr:Γράμμα για Οπλουργό]]
[[hu:Kovács levele]]
[[it:Lettera dal Fabbro]]
[[nl:Brief vom Schmied]]
[[pl:List Od Kowala]]
[[ro:Scrisoare de la Fierar]]
[[tr:Demircinin Mektubu]]

Latest revision as of 15:09, 31 May 2019

< Metin2Wiki < Categories of Items / List of Items < Message from Blacksmith

Message from Blacksmith

Message from Blacksmith.png
Message from Blacksmith.png
Message from Blacksmith
A letter from a friend of Blacksmith.
Tradable Dropable Storable Stackable
NPC Trade Window Private Shop Mailbox
Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo
Looking Glass.pngTrading Glass.png  ⇒  This item cannot be found in Shop Search

No other informations about this item.

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