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#redirect [[Mining#Ores]]
=== Ores ===
Ores can be reduced starting from level 30 after the purchase of a pointed heel with [[Deokbae]] for 80.000 [[Yang]] from the respective veins.
{|width="800px" {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
| [[Image:diamondstone.jpg]]
| [[Diamond Stone]]
| [[Vein Of Diamond Ore]]
| [[Bakra]], [[Mount Sohan]], [[Bokjung]], [[Imha]], [[Jayang]], [[Joan]], [[Jungrang]], [[Pyungmoo]], [[Waryong]], [[Yongan]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Diamond]].
| [[Image:ebony ore.jpg]]
| [[Ebony Ore]]
| [[Vein Of Ebony Ore]]
| [[Bakra]], [[Mount Sohan]], [[Bokjung]], [[Imha]], [[Jayang]], [[Jungrang]], [[Valley of Seungryong]], [[Waryong]] [[Yongbi-Desert]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Ebony]].
| [[Image:fossil_trunk.jpg]]
| [[Fossil Trunk]]
| [[Vein Of Fossil Trunk Ore]]
| [[Bakra]], [[Bokjung]], [[Jayang]], [[Joan]], [[Pyungmoo]], [[Yongan]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Fossil Wood]].
| [[Image:gold ore.jpg]]
| [[Gold Ore]]
| [[Vein Of Gold Ore]]
| [[Bakra]], [[Bokjung]], [[Jayang]], [[Joan]], [[Pyungmoo]], [[Valley of Seungryong]], [[Yongbi-Desert]], [[Yongan]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Gold]].
| [[Image:skytearsore.jpg]]
| [[Heaven's Tear Ore]]
| [[Vein Of Heavens Tear Ore]]
| [[Mount Sohan]], [[Doyyumhwaji]], [[Hwang-Temple]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Heavens Tear]].
| [[Image:jadeore.jpg]]
| [[Jade Ore]]
| [[Vein Of Jade Ore]]
| [[Bakra]], [[Mount Sohan]], [[Bokjung]], [[Imha]], [[Jayang]], [[Jungrang]], [[Valley of Seungryong]], [[Waryong]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Jade]].
| [[Image:crystal ore.jpg]]
| [[Crystal Ore]]
| [[Vein Of Crystal Ore]]
| [[Mount Sohan]], [[Imha]], [[Jungrang]], [[Waryong]], [[Yongbi-Desert]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Crystal]].
| [[Image:copper ore.jpg]]
| [[Copper Ore]]
| [[Vein Of Copper Ore]]
| [[Bakra]], [[Bokjung]], [[Jayang]], [[Joan]], [[Pyungmoo]], [[Yongan]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Copper]].
| [[Image:quarzore.jpg]]
| [[Amethyst Ore]]
| [[Vein Of Amethyst Ore]]
| [[Mount Sohan]], [[Hwang-Temple]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Amethyst]].
| [[Image:silver ore.jpg]]
| [[Silver Ore]]
| [[Vein Of Silver Ore]]
| [[Bakra]], [[Bokjung]], [[Jayang]], [[Joan]], [[Pyungmoo]], [[Yongan]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Silver]]
| [[Image:Piece of bead.jpg]]
| [[Piece of Pearl|Piece of Pearl]]
| [[Pile Of Clams]]
| [[Mount Sohan]], [[Valley of Seungryong]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Pearl]].
| [[Image:whitegoldore.jpg]]
| [[White Gold Ore]]
| [[Vein Of White Gold Ore]]
| [[Mount Sohan]], [[Imha]], [[Jungrang]], [[Valley of Seungryong]], [[Waryong]]
| Can by used using the guild furnace of the guild to one [[Whitegold]].
=== Refined Ore ===
These articles are manufactured in guilds a furnace and can be used according to their description. Apparent the decoration gets a bonus, if e.g. into a bead ear ring a bead is inserted.
{|width="800px" {{Prettytable}}
|- {{Hl3}}
! Image
! Item
! Info
| [[Image:amethyst.jpg]]
| [[Amethyst]]
| Violet quartz. Can be attached the Amethyst accessories.
| [[Image:diamond.jpg]]
| [[Diamond]]
| The strongest jewel, which adds a socket to accessories.
| [[Image:ebonywood.jpg]]
| [[Ebony]]
| The lightest and strongest wood of all. Can be attached the ebony accessories.
| [[Image:fossilwood.jpg]]
| [[Fossil Wood]]
| A valuable wood. Can be attached to the wood accessories.
| [[Image:gold.jpg]]
| [[Gold]]
| Golden metal, which is used for the production of an accessory. Can be attached to the gold accessories.
| [[Image:skytear.jpg]]
| [[Heavens Tear]]
| Crystallized rain of the sky. Can be attached to the Heavens tear accessories.
| [[Image:jade.jpg]]
| [[Jade]]
| One of the valuable minerals. Can be attached the Jade accessories.
| [[Image:crystal.jpg]]
| [[Crystal]]
| Also rock crystal or quartz mentioned. Can be attached the crystal accessories.
| [[Image:copper.jpg]]
| [[Copper]]
| Sometimes has uses for the manufacture of coinage. Can be attached to the copper accessories.
| [[Image:pearl.jpg]]
| [[Pearl]]
| for the production of certain accessories. Can be attached to the pearl accessories.
| [[Image:silver.jpg]]
| [[Silver]]
| Shiny metal, which is used for the production of accessories. Can be caused to the silver accessories.
| [[Image:whitegold.jpg]]
| [[White Gold]]
| Gold, which like silver looks, but is harder. Can be attached to the white gold accessories.

Latest revision as of 19:27, 5 April 2022

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