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m (Bot: Adding fr:Eau de Hwal)
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|Description = A potion of Young's water and mulberries, which increases the attack speed 3 points for 3 minutes.
|Function =
From level 52<br>
Increases Attack Speed +3<br>
Duration: 3 minutes
*[[Potion Manufacturing]]
|Quest =
|Origin =
*'''Other:''' Created from {{Ti|Young Water}} and {{Ti|Mulberry}}
*'''Quests:''' Level 94 Quest [[Weaken the Red Thieves]]
|Tradable NPC = Yes
|Tradable Window = Yes
|Private Shop = Yes
|Storable = Yes
|Dropable = Yes
|Stackable = Yes
|Category = Potions
[[Category:Items/Potion Manufacturing]]
[[cz:Voda Hwal]]
[[fr:Eau de Hwal]]
[[gr:Νερό Hwal]]
[[it:Acqua Hwal]]
[[pl:Woda Hwal]]
[[ro:Apă Hwal]]
[[tr:Hwal Suyu]]

Latest revision as of 03:28, 9 January 2017

Hwal Water

Hwal Water.png
Hwal Water.png
Hwal Water
A potion of Young's water and mulberries, which increases the attack speed 3 points for 3 minutes.

From level 52
Increases Attack Speed +3
Duration: 3 minutes


This item is not used in quests.

Tradable Dropable Storable Stackable
NPC Trade Window Private Shop Mailbox
Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Nothing.pngNo Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png
Looking Glass.pngTrading Glass.png  ⇒  This item cannot be found in Shop Search

No other informations about this item.

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