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[[File:Tue Fungus.jpg]]
|Description = This fungus is rarely used in the healing medicine. He is said to help against insomnia.
|Function =
*[[Potion Manufacturing]]
*[[Quest Items]]
|Quest = :
*Level 25 ''[[The investigation of the biologist (Tue-Mushrooms)]]''
*Level 93 ''[[Stocking Up On Power III - The Millennium Recipe]]''
|Origin =  *'''Monsters:''' [[Evil strong Apethrower]], [[Ghost Stump]], [[Hungry Brown Bear]], [[Young Scorpion Man]], [[Red Dryad]], [[Snake Swordsman SD2]], [[Setaou Archer]], [[Setaou Hunter]], [[Proud Dark Fanatic]], [[Elite Orc Scout]], [[Cursed Grizzly Bear]], [[Axe Fighter]], [[Hell Slaughterer]]
*'''Quests:''' [[Stocking Up On Power III - The Millennium Recipe]], [[The Fight Against Razador]]
|Other=*Stackable (200 max)
|Category = Quest
[[Category:Items/Potion Manufacturing]]

Latest revision as of 14:49, 12 November 2013

Tue Fungus

Tue Fungus.png
Tue Fungus.png
Tue Fungus
This fungus is rarely used in the healing medicine. He is said to help against insomnia.
Tradable Dropable Storable Stackable
NPC Trade Window Private Shop Mailbox
Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo
Looking Glass.pngTrading Glass.png  ⇒  This item cannot be found in Shop Search

  • Stackable (200 max)

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