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[[Grotto of Exile]]
[[Grotto of Exile]], [[Grotto of Exile V2]]

Revision as of 05:37, 18 March 2012

Deathreaper22.png Level 87 Setaou Fighter Deathreaper22.png
Setaou Fighter.png
Infos: Area:

Stage: 1
Effective bonus*: Devil
Basic-EXP: ??
Attackvalue: Still no entry.

Grotto of Exile, Grotto of Exile V2


Battle Sword, Castle_Helmet , Demon Blade, Divine Apricot Bow, Demon Blade, Dragon Knife,Ebony Bracelet Electromagnetic Blade, Exorcism Sword, Fencing Pamphlet, Lucy Ring, Nimbus Boots, Nymph Sword, Partisan, Peach Blossom,Bellflower, Rotten Wooden Box, Sage King Symbol,Spirit Plate Armour,Poison_Sword, Clam .

  • Nymph Swords are dropped at between +4 and +6.
  • All other level 65 weapons are dropped at +4.,
  • Spirit Plate Armour is dropped at +5 and +6
  • Level 70 weapons are dropped for +0, +4 and +5
  • Bracelets are dropped at +4
  • Nimbus Boots and Castle Helms are dropped at +5, Steel Hood are dropped at +0
  • Flowers are dropped in packages of 5.
  • When he has a little HP left, he will do about 3 times more damage
  • Chance to slow
*Effective bonus: a bonus, which can be on certain equipment, works against monsters of a certain kind (the "Strong against _____" bonuses).