Difference between revisions of "Stone of Penetration"

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m (r2.7.3) (Robot: Adding cz, de, es, fr, it, pl)
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[[cz:Kámen průniku]]
[[de:Stein des Durchbruchs]]
[[es:Piedra de penetracion]]
[[fr:Pierre de Pénétration]]
[[it:Pietra della Perforazione]]
[[pl:Kamień Duszy Penetracji]]

Revision as of 23:12, 28 January 2013

< Main Page < Categories of Items / List of Items < Stone of Penetration
Stone of Penetration

This Item is not used in Quests.


Metin Stone of level 25 or higher and from Captain on +0,+1,+2 from one low-level quest.



Stone of Penetration.png

Spirit Stone that raises character's piercing hit chance.


Can be attached in weapons to raise the piercing Hit chance.

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