
Revision as of 16:53, 7 May 2009 by Tempest (talk | contribs) (Page Translated.)
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To upload images you need to do the following:

  1. In the ToolBox navigation click on Upload.
  2. You can then browse for the image in your computer using the Browse... button.
  3. If necessary you can change the destination filename and description (summary) of the image.
  4. Click the Upload file button and wait.

You will be notified once the upload is successful and then you can link to it in the wiki.

Attention: Please take notice of the The Naming and Tips sections.

To link to already uploaded images do the following:

Go to the page you want to insert the image and click on the edit tab.

1. Find the position you want the image to be placed.
2. Now there are two options:
  • Write the image name and then use the mark [[]] tags and then click on the Image button on the top of the editor options.
  • Click on the Image icon on the top of the window and enter the image name.
(The Icon is called "Embedded Files" and is right to the big "A")
3. Use preview to make sure everything has worked correctly.

Tip: Are you unsure if an image already exists that you are looking for? Go to the List of Uploaded Files to find out. Here you can not only find out what images have been uploaded but also information about those images.

The Naming

The name of an image should be the same or as close to the same as it is in game. Sometimes it might be advised to shorten long image names but make sure everybody can understand what the image is and try to avoid uploading multiple images for the same subject.

Wiki will automatically capitalize the first letter of images as well as replacing spaces with underscores. Please avoid using periods "." expect for the extension (.jpg)


  • When uploading images there is no need to upload the whole screen-shot. Make sure you crop out the image before uploading.
  • Save images as .jpg to save space.
  • There is no need for images with huge resolution. Instead medium to good quality images are preferred.
  • Try to avoid the red marker in images.