Guide:Installation Windows

Revision as of 14:10, 15 May 2009 by LoveIsBeauty (talk | contribs) (Download of Metin2)
Guide:Installation Windows
Author: LoveIsBeauty


This Guide is to serve only as an assistance. For errors thereby takes over Metin2Wiki adhesion does not develop.

Download of Metin2

First must you you the Metin2-Downloader download. You get it on that Metin2-Downloadsite.

The Metin2-Downloader

Afterwards must you the Downloader start. If everything folded, a window (picture right) should have opened. There their also far one clicks. The Downloader begins then immediately to download the Metin2-Client. You can terminate the Downloader also occasionally, it the download will then pausieren and will again continue later.

Install from Metin2

The Metin2-Installer

If the Downloader is finished with loads, can install the Metin2-Client for her. Starts for this the Metin2-Installer. It should open the window of the Metin2-Installer (picture right). As goal listing give her the path C:\Programms\Metin2_UK and clicks on installing.

Metin2 play

If the installation up to the end without errors went through, can its Metin2 play. Listing changes in the Windows Explorer into the Metin2 (C:\Programms\Metin2_UK) and starts the Client.

The Metin2-Patcher

With the first time it might patchen still for one while before itself. If it became finished, clicks on play options. There the correct release adjusts, and which is otherwise still attitude worthy.