Guide:Mental Warrior Skillguide
Author: | Seelenwinter |
It considers that a Mentally Warrior must be adapted strongly to the play behavior of the player and it "therefore hardly one; perfect" Skillung gives. For all characters is valid: It makes sure that your talents wrap around of stage 16 to 17, on masters. If this should not happen, it goes put back (goes only to level 30 and thus only with the first master) or uses to the old woman and lets Book of forgetting. Tries it thereupon again, until it folds. Each stage, which needs its too much, means a given away level, what will particularly annoy you in the High level range.
The Defaultskills is valid for everyone, which wants to simply only play drauf and keep open its character loosely for everything wants. Thus it offers to a balanced Skillung to select itself: For the standard Skillung one should pull up STR and VIT to 40-50 point in the relationship 1:1. Afterwards one adheres roughly to the regulation " 10 VIT more than STR". However one can adapt some little to its equipment, if one has anyway a good equipment for the next level, can one in this time a few points of STR more set, in order to increase the damage.
Talent sequence
1. Strong body / Spirit Strike (W)
2. Spirit Strike (W) / Strong body
3. Stump
4. Bash
5. Sword Strike