Blood Pill

Revision as of 19:06, 14 March 2015 by Marios22196 (talk | contribs)

Blood Pill

Blood Pill.png
Blood Pill.png
Blood Pill
A pill that is made of deer blood. It has a severe hallucinogenic effect.

Redistributes one stat point to your character


This item is not used in quests.

Tradable Dropable Storable Stackable
NPC Trade Window Private Shop Mailbox
No.pngNo Tick.png Tick.png Nothing.pngNo Tick.png Tick.png No.pngNo
Looking Glass.pngTrading Glass.png  ⇒  This item cannot be found in Shop Search

  • Use by right clicking the item
  • When a Blood Pill is used you will notice a minus sign (-) to the left side of your character's screen . Clicking that takes one point from the stat you choose and you can add it to another stat later .

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[[Category:Items/{{{Category}}}|Blood Pill]]

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Blood Pill.jpg