Level 24 White Tiger
Stage: 2
Effective bonus*: Animals
Basic-EXP: 570 - 590
Attackvalue: 59 - 72
Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
Aquatic Fan, Barbarian Sword, Ebony Necklace, Iron Fan, Ghost Plate Armour, Jade Necklace, Kaki Blossom, Cobra Dagger, Tigerleber (Questitem), Medizinische Kräuter (Questitem), Orchid Sword, Giant Axe, Crimson Suit, Silver Sword, White Tiger Hide, Wu-zi Art of War
- Attacks by itself.
- Always in group of 3. 3 White tigers or 1 White Tiger and 2 Brown Bears or 2 White Tiger and 1 Brown Bear.
*Effective bonus: a bonus, which can be on certain equipment, works against monsters of a certain kind (the "Strong against _____" bonuses).