Setaou Hunter

Revision as of 12:32, 11 August 2010 by Bishes (talk | contribs)
Deathreaper22.png Level 89 Setaou Hunter Deathreaper22.png
Setaou Hunter.png
Infos: Area:

Stage: 1
Effective bonus*: Devil
Basic-EXP: ??
Attackvalue: Still no entry.

Grotto of Exile


Blue Dragon Bow, Dragon Knife, Ghost Mask Sallet, Silver Arrow, Steel Hood, Tue Fungus,Lilac,Purple Pot (L),Rotten Wooden Box,Crow_Steel_Bow,Devil_Wing_Chakram , Clam

  • It drops Dragon Knives +4 and +6, Steel Hoods +5 and other lvl 41 helms +0.
  • Chance to slow
  • Flowers drop in packages of 5
*Effective bonus: a bonus, which can be on certain equipment, works against monsters of a certain kind (the "Strong against _____" bonuses).