
< Metin2Wiki < Worldmap

The World of Metin2

The World is divided into 3 realms: Chunjo (yellow), Jinno (blue), Shinsoo (red). Each realm extends over three maps (Map1, Map2 and guild zone), which are connected by portals. There is also a neutral range in that all 3 realms gathers.

Opinion that Reamls
Map of the world

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Flag yellow.png

The Chunjo realm takes the west of the continent. It is a theokratisches realm and by its spirituellen leaders is led.

The realm of Yoon Young, the cousin of the former emperor was created. Its wife, who has enormous magic forces, helped it very early to foresee the extent of the threat by the Metin stone. He guessed/advised several times to counter measures, was however always ignored. Thus it led its Gefolgsleute into a rebellion against at that time still existing, entire empire. After bursting the empire, its realm is still in open military conflict with the east and in constant discord with the south.

The inhabitants of the Chunjo realm strive for the rule over the entire continent, in order to be able to order so to the increasing power of the Metin stone finally stop.

Map1 = Joan, Map2 = Bokjung, Guild zone = Waryong

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The Jinno realm covers the eastern ranges of the continent. The realm is based on military power, its population is aggressive and martial.

The Jinno realm of Ee-Ryoong, the physical son of the last emperor is controlled. It sees itself appointing to re-establish under its guidance and owing to its armed force the old empire.

Fears regarding the meaning and effect of the Metin stone officially ignored in the Jinno realm. Secretly Ee-Ryoong tries however to make itself the destructive abilities of the Metin stone militarily usable.

Map1 = Pyungmoo, Map2 = Bakra, Guild zone = Imha

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Das Shinsoo-Reich liegt im Süden des Kontinents. Die Hauptbeschäftigung seiner Einwohner ist der Handel.

Entstanden nach dem Zerfall des Kaiserreichs, gegründet von Yoon-Yoing, führten die Handelsbeziehungen mit dem Osten schnell zu einer Blüte. Mit dem Westen leben die Einwohner in ständigem Zwist und die Handelsstraße ist unterbrochen. Im Bewusstsein der Bedrohung ihrer Lebensgrundlage durch den Metin-Stein, rüsteten die Händler auf.

Ihr Ziel ist es, den westlichen Angriffen Widerstand leisten zu können, die Handelsstraße wieder zu öffnen und das gesamte Reich unter ihrer Herrschaft zu einen.

Map1 = Yongan, Map2 = Jayang, Gildenzone = Jungrang

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Neutrale Gebiete

Flag neutral.png

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