Red Ghost Willow

Deathreaper22.png Level 80 Red Ghost Willow Deathreaper22.png
Ghost Willow.png
Infos: Area:

Stage: 4
Effective bonus*: Still no entry.
Basic-EXP: 10754
Attackvalue: 120 - 224

Red Wood


Alpine Rose, Dragon God Armour, Fuchsia Suit, Baroness Dress, Spirit Plate Armour

From Level 86: Heavens Tear Necklace, Nymph Sword, Electromagnetic Blade, Lightning Knife, Heaven and Earth Bell, Divine Apricot Bow, Salvation Fan, Exorcism Sword

*Effective bonus: a bonus, which can be on certain equipment, works against monsters of a certain kind (the "Strong against _____" bonuses).