Christmas Event (2018)

Metin xmas 2018 header.jpg

Christmas Event 2018

The event starts on 29.11.2017 and consists of:

If you speak with him, you will be able to receive the Background.pngMulled Wine.png Mulled Wine and the Background.png22px Bambi Seal

You can get the Background.pngMulled Wine.png Mulled Wine, once every 24 hours. Santa Claus (NPC) will give you 1 package of 6 Background.pngMulled Wine.png Mulled Wine each time. It works like a potion, it lasts 30 minutes and give 10% movement bonus, 5% damage, 10% experience bonus, the effect ends when player dies If you do not use the Mulled Wine it will disappear after 20 hours.

Once a day, when you activate the Santa Claus (NPC) will give you a new companion: the Bambi. The Bambi lasts 2 hours, it gives +1500 HP and 15% Damage, while activated you can drop Background.pngSock (new).png Sock (new), if you deliver 5x Background.pngSock (new).png Sock (new) to Santa Claus (NPC) he will give you Background.pngChristmas Chest.png Christmas Chest, this is only possible once per day.

Available on the Item Shop: Background.pngSpectral Winter Chest.png Spectral Winter Chest
Background.pngNocturnus Winter Chest.png Nocturnus Winter Chest
Background.pngNutcracker Chest.png Nutcracker Chest
Background.pngArctistocrat Chest.png Arctistocrat Chest
Background.pngGolden Okey Box.png Golden Okey Box
Background.pngSilver Okey Box.png Silver Okey Box
Background.pngBronze Okey Box.png Bronze Okey Box
Background.pngRing of Joy.png Ring of Joy
Background.pngArctistocrat Chest.png Arctistocrat Chest
Background.png22px Bernie (Seal)
Background.pngCandy Cane Blade.png
Candy Cane Blade
Background.pngCandy Cane Dagger.png Candy Cane Dagger
Background.pngCandy Cane Bell.png Candy Cane Bell
Background.pngElven Bow.png
Elven Bow
Background.pngGingerbread Glaive.png
Gingerbread Glaive
Background.pngFrosty Fan.png Frosty Fan
Background.pngRudolph Claws.png Rudolph Claws

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Other Christmas Events