Blazing Purgatory Launch Event

< Main Page < List of Quests / Questcategory < Blazing Purgatory Launch Event
Scroll Open.png Blazing Purgatory Launch Event Scroll Open.png - Required Level 90
Quest Starter
Quest Reward
Needed items
Needed quests
Other information

  • Once done, you go back to Confucius to grab your reward, which will allow you direct access to Red Dragon Fortress
  • This quest runs 24 hours and can only be finished once each 24 hours
  • You can kill more than 100 monsters per day, which will be added to the counter for next day - still you can only claim your reward once each 24 hours
  • The quest is available from level 90 on.
  • The Background.pngPassage Ticket (Red Dragon Fortress).png Passage Ticket (Red Dragon Fortress) has a time limit of 3 hours.
  • The Background.pngTeleportation Scroll.png Teleportation Scroll is one time use only.
Graphic Walkthrough

< Main_Page < List of Quests / Questcategory < Blazing Purgatory Launch Event