Carbon Fibre Fishing Rod

Carbon Fibre Fishing Rod

Refinement Carbon Fiber Rod.png
Carbon Fibre Fishing Rod.png

Carbon Fiber Fishing Rod is an alternative to Fishing Rod and it is used to catch rare fish that you wouldn't be able to catch with normal Fishing rod.

  • With version 19.1 you can assemble Carbon Fiber Fishing Rod at Fisherman.
  • Unlike normal rod, rare fish are much easier to catch.
  • After successful refining at Fisherman, it has a duration of 30 days, that passes if you are online or offline.
  • You can't trade it, you can't sell it to the Store, you can't put it in shop. You can use it only on the character where you got it.

< Metin2Wiki < Categories of Items / List of Items < Carbon Fibre Fishing Rod

Carbon Fibre Fishing Rod

Carbon Fibre Fishing Rod.png
Carbon Fibre Fishing Rod.png
Carbon Fibre Fishing Rod
This item has no description on wiki yet
  • Is required for fishing

This item is not used in quests.

Using 3x Background.pngCarbon Fiber.png Carbon Fiber, 1x Background.pngRod Grip.png Rod Grip, 1x Background.pngRod Guide.png Rod Guide, 1x Background.pngRod Blank.png Rod Blank

These items can be obtained by opening Background.pngKelpie Chest.png Kelpie Chest

Tradable Dropable Storable Stackable
NPC Trade Window Private Shop Mailbox
No.pngNo No.pngNo No.pngNo Nothing.pngNo No.pngNo No.pngNo No.pngNo
Looking Glass.pngTrading Glass.png  ⇒  This item cannot be found in Shop Search

  • Requires level: 44
  • Has the same chance of catching fish as Fishing rod at +20
  • Has a duration of 30 days that expires even when offline

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[[Category:Items/{{{Category}}}|Carbon Fibre Fishing Rod]]