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It is normally a good idea to allow space to allow for future updates to the game or characters so users have a place to put their ideas in the future.
This will show you how to inform other users of which fields were added and what they are associated with on the actual page.
Always remember to preview a page before saving it to see if everything was correct.
Here is a list of kindoms for which maps belong to.
There are these possibilities:
- Chunjo / Jinno / Shinsoo / Neutral
The entry is:
Attack Values
The attack values which an enemy mob has. This is currently only avalible from the Metin2 US Page provided.
The entries are:
Example :
Base EXP
Base EXP is the actual value of EXP you get from an opponent without any % added or lost. The best way to record this is to calculate it when you are the same level as the opponent.
You can do this by looking at your current EXP, killing the mob and then checking your EXP again. Provided you don't have any EXP bonuses you should get the true base EXP value.
The entry is:
The characteristics of a mob can be entered once tested.
The following classes can be registered, provided that it was tested:
- Esoteric
- HalfHuman
- Metin
- Orcs
- Devil
- Animals
- Undead
The entry is:
This is so far not for: bracelets, necklaces, helmets, earrings, armor, shields, boots and weapons.
Here is the equipment list needed for upgrading.
The entries are:
You can copy it from here.
*[[ebony bracelet]]+5
*[[Silver Bracelet]]+4
The category Content is an extension of other items that are also in the game.
The entry is:
Example for an entry:
*[[ring experience]](1-3h)
*[[RedPotion(L)|Red Potions]]
There are currently on three subcategories provided. If somebody believes there should be more he/she can say so on the Talk Page with reasons for the suggestion.
The following sub-categories can now be entered:
- Fishing (The Pole itself and everything else you need to fish or use it to fish and stuff, what else can catch)
- Appreciation (objects that are sometimes used for the upgrading of equipment needed)
- BuildingMaterials
- Mining (as a collective category, which includes the Mining Code and the ore veins could occur)
- Books (All books that can be read and succeed in changing skills, but for example,not cursebooks)
- Ores
- Fish
- SpiritStones
- Haircolor
- Item-Shop
- Herbs
- Quests (items) (all items which are needed for quests)
- Other (what does not fit into other categories ...)
- Potions
The entries are:
Example for an entry for brook trout:
Here the nature of the NPC may be indicated. So far, the following can be used:
- Memorial
- Ore veins
If type is not specified, it is assumed that it is a normal NPC acts.
The record for it is:
It is also copy from here.
Example for an entry :< br /> |Type=OreVeins
This allows the coordinates of the NPC in various fields may be indicated.
The entries that read:
<!-Neutral Areas-->
You can copy it from here, but please copy the entire block, including the comments in the <!- -> sections.
The information will be analogous to the cards with X, Y done. If an NPC in an area occurs at several positions, such as a fisherman, then: X1, Y1 / X2, Y2 / etc.
If this can not be done, such as ore veins, then just x as an entry in the area in which the vein occurs.