Jinno Linguistics

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Jinno Linguistics

Jinno Language.png
Jinno Language.png
Jinno Linguistics
This textbook, made from bound tissue paper, allows you to understand the Jinno language, as soon as you have reached the master level.
Learning the language of Jinno.

This item is not used in quests.

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  • Usable only for people from Chunjo and Shinsoo.
  • Reading one book successfully will increases the level of the Jinno language.
  • Can be mastered between level 17-20.
  • Once you have mastered the skill you are abled to understand the language of Jinno without a Language Ring, people from the kingdom of Jinno will NOT be able understand you before they have mastered the other kingdoms language.
  • The reading costs 20.000EXP.

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