Difference between revisions of "Frosty Ice Man"

[unchecked revision][unchecked revision]
m (r2.7.3) (Robot: Adding cz, de, es, fr, tr; modifying pl)
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[[pl:Lodowy Człowiek]]
[[cz:Ledový muž]]
[[de:Frostiger Eismann]]
[[es:Hombre de Hielo]]
[[fr:Homme de glace furieux]]
[[pl:Mroźny Lodowy Człowiek]]
[[tr:Buz Adam]]

Revision as of 16:52, 22 January 2013

Deathreaper22.png Level 65 Frosty Ice Man Deathreaper22.png
Frosty Ice Man.png
Infos: Area:

Stage: 3
Effective bonus*: Still no entry.
Basic-EXP: 1.149
Attackvalue: 101 - 188

Mount Sohan


Lilac, Fugitives Cape, Jade Shoes, Young Dragon Suit, Moral Dress, Fog Plate Armour, Scale Plate Armour, Silver Treasure Box, Trunk, Yeti Fur+

*Effective bonus: a bonus, which can be on certain equipment, works against monsters of a certain kind (the "Strong against _____" bonuses).