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Revision as of 14:12, 5 May 2019

< Metin2Wiki < Categories of Items / List of Items < Blacksmith Handbook

Blacksmith Handbook

Blacksmith Handbook.png
Blacksmith Handbook.png
Blacksmith Handbook
This book contains the soul of an old blacksmith. If it is used, it raises the chance of successfully ameliorating an item.

Eliminates the risk of destroying an object, if its fails to improve. It will only reduce its quality (eg, previously cut by a + +6 for failure then +5, previously 0 remains 0).


This item is not used in quests.

Tradable Dropable Storable Stackable
NPC Trade Window Private Shop Mailbox
Tick.png No.pngNo No.pngNo Nothing.pngNo No.pngNo Tick.png No.pngNo
Looking Glass.pngTrading Glass.png  ⇒  This item cannot be found in Shop Search

  • It is used by dragging them onto the object to be improved. Then it disappears after usage.

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