Blessing Scroll

Blessing Scroll

Blessing Scroll.png
Blessing Scroll.png
Blessing Scroll
Eliminates the risk of destroying an object when its improvement fails. In this case, simply reducing its quality at first

Eliminates the risk of destroying an object, if its fails to improve. It will only reduce its quality (eg, previously cut by a + +6 for failure then +5, previously 0 remains 0). Recently, its dropped from all monsters, but very rarely (mostly by the Red Ghost Willows).


This item is not used in quests.


Background.pngValentine's Chest.png Valentine's Chest
Background.pngCandy.png Candy
Background.pngSock.png Sock
Background.pngFootball.png Football
Background.pngPumpkin.png Pumpkin
Background.png22px Rose (yellow)
Background.png22px Rose (red)
Background.pngChocolate.png Chocolate
Background.pngChest of Triumph.png Chest of Triumph
Background.pngBlue Ebony Box.png Blue Ebony Box
Background.png22px Plump Ebony Box
Background.pngYellow Ebony Box.png Yellow Ebony Box
Background.pngChest.png Flame King's Chest
Background.pngChest.png Demon King's Chest
Background.png22px Queen Spider Chest
Background.png22px Nine Tail's Chest
Background.pngChest.png Chief Orc's Box
Background.png22px Yellow Tiger's Chest
Background.pngChest.png Desert Tortoise Chest
Background.pngGold Treasure Chest.png Gold Treasure Chest
Background.pngGold Treasure Chest+.png Gold Treasure Chest+
Background.pngMoonlight Treasure Chest.png Moonlight Treasure Chest
Background.pngHexagonal Treasure Chest.png Hexagonal Treasure Chest
Background.pngIron Box.png Iron Box
Background.pngHoliday Chest.png Holiday Chest
Background.pngMysterious Chest (Item-Shop).png Mysterious Chest
Background.pngMysterious Chest (IG-Event-Chest).png Mysterious Chest
Background.png22px Chest of Kings
Background.pngPower Chest.png Power Chest
Background.pngChest of the North.png Chest of the North
Background.pngChristmas Chest.png Christmas Chest
Background.pngDesert Storm Chest.png Desert Storm Chest
Background.pngEaster Chest.png Easter Chest
Background.pngBasket with Easter Eggs.png Basket with Easter Eggs

Tradable Dropable Storable Stackable
NPC Trade Window Private Shop Mailbox
Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Nothing.pngNo Tick.png Tick.png No.pngNo
Looking Glass.pngTrading Glass.png  ⇒  This item cannot be found in Shop Search

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