
IS-Icon normal
IS-Icon for Valentine's Day
IS-Icon for Easter
IS-Icon for Halloween

Item Shop

Item-Shop is a shop where you can buy items or assistance that cannot be traded or purchased in the game. They can be bought with Dragon Coins (DR), and DR can be bought with real money(euros). The items bough through the item-shop can be found on the Item-Shop Storage accessible through the Storekeeper or by clicking the Item-Shop Storage Button Item-Shop Storage Button.png on your Inventory.

Through the acquisition of such items or assistance you get Dragon Marks (DM). The player gets dragon marks after he spends dragon coins, for example for 20 DR you get 20 DM. If you collected enought DM you can buy some bonus items. Among bonus items you can buy Blessing Scroll too.

Homepage Link

The item shop can be accessed after the login on the Metin2 Home Page. Since 30 September 2009 players can buy items from Item-Shop directly from the game, by clicking the 32 on the left bottom of the display or from the game menu by pressing Esc.

Dragon Coins can be purchased by SMS, call, credit cards, PayPal, Moneybookers, direct bank transfer.

Also, there's a Depot. This depot stores items from Tombola and Wheel of Destiny. On this depot items that have a time limit, time doesn't start counting until the item is allocated out of the depot.

Item-Shop Items

Specific Action Items

Most of these items are present in Item-Shop for short periods of time only, some of them only once, others more.

Image Item Info Tradable? Price
Sovereign Sash (basic).png
Sovereign Sash (basic) This sash takes 1% of the bonuses from the weapon or armour that you use for absorption. No 49 DR
Armoured Panda Seal With this seal you can call your armored panda. No 119 / 149 DR
Donation Plate.png
Donation Plate A plate with a splendid decoration. No 59 (1 pcs), 177 (5 pcs - Economy Packages)DR
Fireworkspack.png Fireworks Pack Contains: 10x Firecrackers und 10x Fireworks Top Yes 10 DR
Valentinsbox.png Valentine's Box Emotion Mask (15 days), Love Bracelet (3 hours), Earrings of Love (3 hours), and Feather of Lovers (7 days). No 65 DR
Researcher's Elixir.png
Researcher's Elixir Increases quality of items for research increasing the probability of delivering them with success. No ?? DR
Sun Elexir(XL).png
Sun Elixir(E) Restores your HP automatically. Contains 10.000.000 HP Yes 69 DR
Moon Elexir(XL).png
Moon Elixir(E) Restore your SP automatically. Contains 1.000.000 SP Yes 49 DR
Wind Shoes+.png
Wind Shoes+ Increases your movement speed by 50 when equipped (works for 60 playing hours). Yes 179 DR
DR Voucher (50).png
DR Voucher (50) Voucher to the value of 50 Dragon Coins. Yes 65 DR
DR Voucher (100).png
DR Voucher (100) Voucher to the value of 100 Dragon Coins. Yes 115 DR
DR Voucher (500).png
DR Voucher (500) Voucher to the value of 500 Dragon Coins. Yes 510 DR
DR Voucher (1000).png
DR Voucher (1000) Voucher to the value of 1000 Dragon Coins. Yes 1005 DR
Passage Ticket.png
Passage Ticket If you give this ticket to the guard, you will be allowed to enter a new floor of the Spider Dungeon as well as the Red Dragon Fortress. Yes 12 / 49 / 129 DR
Enigma Box.png Enigma Box - No 32 DR
Power Chest.png
Power Chest The chest is surprisingly light, as it would be empty ... No 35 DR
Chest of Kings This magnificent chest hides a treasure truly royal in its interior. Yes 35 DR
Desert Storm Chest.png
Desert Storm Chest The secretive chest contains a random item. No 36 DR
Eternal Winter Chest.png
Eternal Winter Chest The chest is carved out of pure ice. With a quiet clink the lid opens and frosty cold rises up from within. Yes 35 DR
Whelp Box.png
Whelp Box In this box can hide a cute Cub. Open it and find a random object. Yes 35 DR
Holiday Chest.png
Holiday Chest This chest contains a green fir tree in festive Christmas surprise. Yes 35 DR
Chest of the North.png
Chest of the North The Chest shines with frosty blue and contains a random item. Yes 35 DR
Mysterious Chest (Item-Shop).png
Mysterious Chest Mysterious Chest. No 35 DR
Christmas Chest.png
Christmas Chest A lovingly wrapped Christmas gift that contains more than just a surprise. No 19 DR
Magic Wand.png
Magic Wand An artfully carved alder Magic Wand with a star tip made of magical fire! No 35 DR
Lolly the Magical A lolly made of secret ingredients which provides magic energy and experience for battle. No 150 DR
Lolly the Mighty A lolly made of secret ingredients which provides experience and strength for battle. No 150 DR
Lolly It doesn't just taste scrumptiously sweet, its well-guarded secret recipe gives you the strength to overcome all enemies and increases the collection of experience points. No 150 DR
Ring of Will Power.png
Ring of Will Power Gives you 7 days +30% EXP, +20% defense chance against Warriors, +20% defense chance against ninja, +30% strength against monsters, +10% Maximum HP +10% and maximum MP. No 179 DR
Ring of Deadly Power.png
Ring of Lethal Power Gives you 7 days +30% EXP, +20% defense chance against Sura, +20% defense chance against shamans, +30% strength against monsters, +10% Maximum HP +10% and maximum MP. No 179 DR
Crescent Moon Ring.png
Crescent Moon Ring For 7 days (168 hours) gives you 50% more EXP, 20% Attack Speed, 20% Casting Speed, 30% Damage , Max HP +​10%, Max MP +​10% No N/A
Ring of Joy.png
Ring of Joy

A ring with a valuable decoration made from jade and celestial stone, which has the following bonuses: +50% experience points, +20% attack speed, +20% casting speed, +30% strength against monsters, +10% maximum HP,+10% maximum SP,

No N/A
Hero's Medal.png
Hero's Medal - No - DR
Comet Seal You can use this seal to summon your reindeer, Comet. No 59 DR / 139 DR
Bambi Seal You can use this seal to summon your baby reindeer, Bambi. No 59 DR / 119 DR
Young Reindeer Seal You can use this seal to summon your pet, Young Reindeer. No 59 DR
Equus Porphyreus Seal Used to summon Equus Porphyreus. No 79 DR / 129 DR
White Lion Seal Animals with white fur are extremely rare and are revered by many cultures as a carrier of extraordinary powers. No 130 DR
Ruby Key.png
Ruby Key Key to open Background.pngMysterious Ruby Chest.png Mysterious Ruby Chest No 39 DR
Demon Slayer's Chest.png Demon Slayer's Chest Your chance to obtain Azrael`s Armour or Helmet for men with a duration of 365 days! This magical chest contains one random item. No 35 DR

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Image Item Info Tradable? Price
Ring of Secrets.png
Ring of Secrets Prevents the gathering of experience points when hunting monsters. No 19 DR
Transmutation Reversal.png
Transmutation Reversal Reverses the transmutation of an item. No 19 DR
Reset Ticket.png
Reset Ticket This ticket allows you to reset your mission level. No 9 DR
Reshuffle Ticket.png
Reshuffle Ticket This ticket allows you to reshuffle your mission. No 58 DR
Pet Name Scroll.png
Pet Name Scroll Drag the scroll onto your pet to change its name. Yes 49 DR
Lord Sash (basic).png
Lord Sash (basic) This sash takes 1% of the bonuses of the weapon or armor you use for absorption. No 49 DR

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Image Item Info Tradable? Price
Ice Land Survival Pack.png Ice Land Survival Pack This pack contains the perfect survival kit for defying the eternal winter of Ice Land! No 449 DR
Chest of the Lycans (L).png
Chest of the Lycans (Large) Large equipment pack with useful items for Lycans. Yes 999 DR
Chest of the Lycans (S).png
Chest of the Lycans (Small) Equipment pack with useful items for Lycans. Yes 449 DR
Chest of the Lycans (L).png
Body Warrior Chest (Large) Large equipment pack with useful items for Body Warriors. Yes 999 DR
Chest of the Lycans (S).png
Body Warrior Chest (Small) Equipment pack with useful items for Body Warriors. Yes 449 DR
Chest of the Lycans (L).png
Mental Warrior Chest (Large) Large equipment pack with useful items for Mental Warriors. Yes 999 DR
Chest of the Lycans (S).png
Mental Warrior Chest (Small) Equipment pack with useful items for Mental Warriors. Yes 449 DR
Chest of the Lycans (L).png
Blade Ninja Chest (Large) Large equipment pack with useful items for Blade-Fight Ninjas. Yes 999 DR
Chest of the Lycans (S).png
Blade Ninja Chest (Small) Equipment pack with useful items for Blade-Fight Ninjas. Yes 449 DR
Chest of the Lycans (L).png
Archery Ninja Chest (Large) Large equipment pack with useful items for Archery Ninjas. Yes 999 DR
Chest of the Lycans (S).png
Archery Ninja Chest (Small) Equipment pack with useful items for Archery Ninjas. Yes 449 DR
Chest of the Lycans (L).png
Weaponry Sura Chest (Large) Large equipment pack with useful items for Weaponry Suras. Yes 999 DR
Chest of the Lycans (S).png
Weaponry Sura Chest (Small) Equipment pack with useful items for Weaponry Suras. Yes 449 DR
Chest of the Lycans (L).png
Magic Sura Chest (Large) Large equipment pack with useful items for Black Magic Suras. Yes 999 DR
Chest of the Lycans (S).png
Magic Sura Chest (Small) Equipment pack with useful items for Black Magic Suras. Yes 449 DR
Chest of the Lycans (L).png
Dragon Shaman Chest (Large) Large equipment pack with useful items for Dragon Force Shamans. Yes 999 DR
Chest of the Lycans (S).png
Dragon Shaman Chest (Small) Equipment pack with useful items for Dragon Force Shamans. Yes 449 DR
Chest of the Lycans (L).png
Healing Shaman Chest (Large) Large equipment pack with useful items for Healing Force Shamans. Yes 999 DR
Chest of the Lycans (S).png
Healing Shaman Chest (Small) Equipment pack with useful items for Healing Force Shamans. Yes 449 DR
Gold Box.png Gold Box This exclusive all-round carefree package gets your further, faster in allmost all areas: 15 days long of more experience points, more Yang and more items! No 219 DR
Silver Box.png Silver Box This exclusive all-round carefree package gets your further, faster in allmost all areas: eases the collection of experience points, Yang and items for 3 days long! No 39 DR
Bronze Box.png Bronze Box This exclusive all-round carefree package gets your further, faster in allmost all areas: eases the collection of experience points, Yang and items for 1 whole day! No 18 DR
Exorcism Scroll.png
10x Exorcism Scroll 10x Exorcism Scrolls No 166 DR
Reinforce Item.png
4x Reinforce Item 3 + 1 economy package No 299 DR
Enchant Item.png
4x Enchant Item 3+1 economy pack No 177 DR
Blessing Scroll.png
3x Blessing Scroll Reduces the risk of destroying an item, if the improvement fails. If this is the case, its quality is merely reduced by 1. No 1440 DM
Small Starter Package.png Small Starter Package Collect experience points and achieve higher levels more quickly with this starter package! Get your Medal of the Dragon (10 units) and an Experience Ring (7 days) together for just 69 DR reduced from 90 DR! No 69 DR
Medium Starter Package.png Medium Starter Package Get ahead with the medium starter package. Secure the Experience Ring (7 days), the Wind Shoes and the Medal of the Dragon (10 units), together for only 99 DR reduced from 149 DR. No 99 DR
Large Starter Package.png Large Starter Package This hassle-free package for all adventurers contains the items from the medium starter package... and more! Get the Experience Ring (7 days), Wind Shoes, the Thief Gloves (7 days), the Blessing of the Dragon as well as the Medal of the Dragon (10 units) for just 129 DR reduced from 201 DR! No 129 DR
Biologist Quest Package.png Biologist Quest Package For ambitious scientists, that want to be more succesful at Biologist Quests.
- the Researcher's Elixir (10 units)
- the Medal of the Dragon (10 units)
- the Thief Glove (7 days) and
- the Potion of Attack +10 (10 units).
No 119 DR
Premium Box.png Premium Box This exclusive hassle-free premium package helps you progress in almost all parts of the game: More experience points, Yang and items for 30 days! No 366 DR

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Refine & Improve

Account Boosts

Image Item Info Tradable Price
Auto-Hunting Kick back and hunt monsters on auto-pilot. With this account-linked bonus, your character will not only hunt monsters automatically, they'll also use skills and potions without you needing to lift a finger. Select the sequence and time intervals of the skills to customise your fighting style on the hunt.

Decide for yourself whether to use normal attacks or auto-hunting.

No 49 (7 days) / 95 (14 days) DR
Storage Chest.png
Storage Chest Your Storeroom gets 2 additional storage rooms for a duration for 7, 15 or 30 days. No 13 / 24 / 45 DR
Thief Glove Doubles your chance of looting items for 7, 15 or 30 days. No 32 / 51 / 89 DR
Third Hand.png
Third Hand A hand that automatically picks up dropped Yang for 7, 15 or 30 days. No 13 / 24 / 45 DR
Experience Ring.png
Experience Ring Increases gained experience points by 50% for 7,15 or 30 days. No 61 / 144 / 199 DR
Lucky Medal.png
Lucky Medal Doubles your chance of looting Yang by 50% for 7, 15 or 30 days. No 36 / 62 / 86 DR
Fishing Book.png
Fishing Book Your chance of catching a rare fish is doubled for 7, 15 or 30 days. No 18 / 30 / 42 DR

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Character Boosts

Image Item Info Tradable Price
Bravery Cape.png
Bravery Cape Ancient warriors showed off their bravery by wearing a colourful cape with which they attracted the attention of monsters. No 49 DR (50 pcs)
Wind Shoes.png
Wind Shoes Increases your movement speed by 30 when equipped (works for 25 playing hours). No 59 DR
Silk Bundle.png
Silk Bundle With this bundle you can open a private shop for 10 days, free of charge. No 9 DR
Language Ring.png
Language Ring You can understand all empire languages for 7, 15, 30 days. No and Yes
(only from the chest and quest)
15 / 29 / 49 DR
Glass of Insight.png
Glass of Insight This special glass allows you to show another player items from your inventory. The glass breaks in the process. To use it, hold down 'alt' in the chat window and click on the item that you would like to have displayed. No 9 DR
(10 pcs)
Trading Glass.png
Trading Glass Allows you to search for and immediately purchase a specific item in your vicinity. No 39 DR
(7 days)
Sun Elixir(M).png
Sun Elixir(M) Restore your HP automatically. Contains 3.000.000 HP No 15 DR
Moon Elixir(M).png
Moon Elixir(M) Restore your SP automatically. Contains 300.000 SP No 11 DR
Potion of Speed.png
Potion of Speed Boosts your speed by 60 for 30 minutes. No 35 DR
Potion of Attack +10.png
Potion of Attack +15 Increases your attack speed by 15% for 30 minutes. No 19 DR
(5 pcs)
Potion of Attack +10.png
Potion of Attack +10 Increases your attack speed by 10% for 30 minutes. No 33 DR
(10 pcs)
Potion of Haste.png
Potion of Haste This potion reduces the cooldown time of your abilities by 20 percent for 30 minutes. No 24 DR
Peach Flower Wine.png
Peach Flower Wine Beverage that will immediately regenerate your Hit Points (HP) by 500 points. No 10 DR
Blessing of Life.png
Blessing of Life A blessing with which your HP is immediately recovered to 100%. No 15 DR
Blessing of Magic.png
Blessing of Magic Blessing that regenerates all your SP immediately. No 15 DR
Fruit of Life.png
Fruit of Life Increases rank points by 2000 (Cooldown time: 8 hours). No 129 DR
Book of the Leader.png
Book of the Leader As long as the leader of a group is equipped with this book, all group members will gain 30% more experience points for 3 hours. No 29 DR
Scroll of the Location.png
Scroll of the Location The scroll enables your return to the location you last marked. No 2 DR
Compass for Metin Stones.png
Compass for Metin Stones The compass shows you the position and distance to the next Metin Stone by means of a direction arrow. It can be activated 6 times. No 79 DR

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Image Item Info Tradable Price
Enchant Item+.png
Enchant Item+ Removes the bonuses from one of your items and adds new ones. You will see a preview of the new bonuses, and then you can decide whether you wish to accept the displayed bonuses. Yes 129 DR
Cor Draconis (Rough).png
Cor Draconis (Rough) A valuable Dragon Stone is concealed within. Before you open it, you must first have completed the Dragon Stone quest. No 10 DR
Green Dragon Bean.png
Green Dragon Bean The magic bean increases your Dragon Stone's level. The strengthening process may fail. Yes 19 DR
Blessing Marble.png
Blessing Marble The legendary marble adds a fifth attribute to items that already have four attributes. The addition can also fail though. Yes and No (From Chest of Darkness are tradeable) 59 DR
Enchant Item.png
Enchant Item Removes the bonuses from one of your items and adds new ones. No 59 DR
Stone Handbook.png
Stone Handbook Removes all broken stones from an item. With that you will get another chance to improve your weapon or amour. No 29 DR
Reinforce Item.png
Reinforce Item Adds a new bonus to an item. An item can have a maximum of 4 bonuses. Yet the adding of a bonus can also fail. No 99 DR
Stone of the Blacksmith.png
Stone of the Blacksmith With this stone and a blessing scroll you can make a blacksmith handbook. It promises a higher chance of success than the dragon scroll. If the improvement fails, the item is not destroyed, but merely reduced by one level. No 79 DR
Magic Iron Ore.png
Magic Iron Ore With this ore and a blessing scroll, a dragon scroll can be produced. It increases the chance of successfully improving an item. If the improvement fails, the item is not destroyed, but merely reduced by one level. No 59 DR
Scroll of Correction.png
Scroll of Correction With this scroll you can remove the most recently added Spirit Stone from an item. No 49 DR
Certificate of Reversal+.png
Certificate of Reversal+ Use the Certificate of Reversal to remove bonuses from a Shoulder Sash. Yes 9 DR

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Wedding & Marriage

Image Item Info Tradable Price
Love Bracelet.png
Love Bracelet Increases the collection of experience points during battle for both spouses by a maximum of 20% for 3 hours, if worn by one of them. No 21 DR
Harmony Bracelet.png
Harmony Bracelet Reduces the attack power of enemy monsters on both spouses by a maximum of 15% for 3 hours, if worn by one of them. No 21 DR
Necklace of Love.png
Necklace of Love Increases the attack power for both spouses by a maximum of 40 for 3 hours, if worn by one of them. No 21 DR
Necklace of Harmony.png
Necklace of Harmony Increases defence of both spouses by a maximum of 30 for 3 hours, if worn by one of them. No 21 DR
Earrings of Love.png
Earrings of Love Increases the chance of a critical hit for both spouses by a maximum of 8% for 3 hours, if worn by one of them. No 21 DR
Earrings of Harmony.png
Earrings of Harmony They increase the chance of a piercing hit for both spouses by a maximum of 8% for 3 hours, if worn by one of them. No 21 DR
Feather of Lovers.png
Feather of Lovers When it is equipped, your love points increase twice as fast for 7, 15 or 30 days. No 12 / 22 / 40 DR

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Image Item Info Tradable Price
Inventory Expansion.png
Inventory Expansion Use this item to expand your inventory. Yes
(only Item-Shop Keys)
15 DR
Name Changer.png Name Changer Using the Name Changer you can give your selected character a new name after the next maintenance. No 199 DR
Emotion Mask.png
Emotion Mask You can let you feelings run free for 15, 30 days. No 26 / 48 DR
Skill Reset Document.png
Skill Reset Document You can redistribute your skill points. This means your character development can be lead into a different direction. (Note: Possible loss of points.) No 49 DR
Tincture of Kingdoms.png
Tincture of Kingdoms An unmarried character can go into exile in another kingdom once, if he is rich enough (500,000 Yang) No 111 DR
Modification Charm.png
Modification Charm This charm can change the gender of your character, if you fulfil some conditions. No 199 DR
Scroll of Lore Change.png
Scroll of Lore Change Forget your lore and start a new one. You need to be at least level 31. Yes 49 DR
Scroll of Fluid Training.png
Scroll of Fluid Training This item allows you to completely remove your boost and ward skills. You can learn new skills using Ward and Boost Manuals. ?? 49 DR
Medal of the Dragon.png
Medal of the Dragon Protects you from the usual loss of experience points when reviving a dead character at the place of his death (1% to 3% of the EXP needed for the next level). No 29 DR
(10 pcs)
Exorcism Scroll.png
Exorcism Scroll Frees you from the curse of the bad spirit, if learning fails. No 19 DR
Ring of Successor.png
Ring of Successor Allows the leader of a guild to set up a successor and pass on his leadership. No 95 DR
Status Reset Document.png
Status Reset Document The application of this item makes it possible for you to redistribute your status points, so that you can develop your character in another direction. No 79 DR
Scroll of Redistribution - Strength (STR).png
Scroll of Redistribution - Strength (STR) Resets your strength to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. No 39 DR
Scroll of Redistribution - Dexterity (DEX).png
Scroll of Redistribution - Dexterity (DEX) Resets your dexterity back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. No 39 DR
Scroll of Redistribution - Intelligence (INT).png
Scroll of Redistribution - Intelligence (INT) Resets your intelligence back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. No 39 DR
Scroll of Redistribution - Vitality (VIT).png
Scroll of Redistribution - Vitality (VIT) Resets your vitality back to 1 and allows you to redistribute your points. No 39 DR

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Passage Tickets

Image Item Info Tradable Price
Shrunken Head (blue).png
Shrunken Head This Shrunken Head opens the seal to the 3rd floor of the Devil's Catacomb. Access only available to characters from level 75. This item is tradeable. Yes 12 DR
Passage Ticket.png
Passage Ticket If you give this ticket to the guard, you will be allowed to enter a new floor of the Spiders Dungeon 2. No 9 (1 pcs)/ 59 (25 pcs) DR
Shrunken Head (yellow).png
Shrunken Head This Shrunken Head opens the seal to the 3rd floor of the Devil's Catacomb. Access only available to characters from level 75. No 10 (1 pcs)
39 (5 pcs)
169 DR (25 pcs)
Blood Stone.png
Blood Stone This symbolic stone allows you to enter the Grotto of Exile once you have reached level 75. These stones are not tradeable. Yes and No (Blood Stones from the Item-Shop are not tradeable) 12 DR

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Mark Items

Image Item Info Tradable Price
Protein Snack.png
Protein Snack Feed your exhausted pet a tasty Protein Snack and it will be completely restored. Feed it to a dead pet and it will be revived and restored to 50%. Yes 59 DM
Magic Iron Ore.png
Magic Iron Ore With this ore and a blessing scroll, a dragon scroll can be produced. It increases the chance of successfully improving an item. If the improvement fails, the item is not destroyed, but merely reduced by one level. No 666 DM
Blessing Scroll.png
Blessing Scroll Eliminates the risk of destroying an object when its improvement fails.It will reduce it for one point( for example +6 to +5). It can be found in the Gold Treasure Box or Boss Chests. Lately you can drop it from level 50 of all monsters, but very rarely. It can be obtained from Item-Shop too for 720 DM. Yes 720 DM
Concentrated Reading.png
Concentrated Reading Increases the chance of successful skill training with your next book by 2.5 times. No 599 DM
Critical Strike.png
Critical Strike Increases the chance of a critical hit whilst fighting by 20% for 10 minutes. No 420 DM
Piercing Strike.png
Piercing Strike Increases the chance of a piercing hit by 20% for 10 minutes. No 480 DM
Dragon God Attack.png
Dragon God Attack Increases the damage you cause during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. No 299 DM
Dragon God Intelligence.png
Dragon God Intelligence Increases your maximum SP by 20% for 30 minutes. No 240 DM
Dragon God Defence.png
Dragon God Defence Lowers the damage you receive during a fight by 12-15% for 30 minutes. No 299 DM
Dragon God Life.png
Dragon God Life Increases your maximum HP by 20% for 30 minutes. No 319 DM
Magic Copper Ore.png
Magic Copper Ore With this ore and a blessing scroll you can make a Scroll of War. It guarantees the successful improvement of items with the levels +0 to +3. No 849 DM
Musk Oil.png
Musk Oil Musk Oil is a real miracle potion when it comes to giving your body a new smell. Musk Oil is used as a foundation for making fragrances and can be combined with a number of other ingredients such as lilac. Is needed to complete a quest of level 4. Yes 1 DM
Blessing Scroll.png
3x Blessing Scroll Reduces the risk of destroying an item, if the improvement fails. If this is the case, its quality is merely reduced by 1. Yes 1440 DM

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Image Item Info Tradable Price
Warriorm.jpg Warrior Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Yes 39 DR
Ninjam.jpg Ninja Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Yes 39 DR
Suram.jpg Sura Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Yes 39 DR
Shamanm.jpg Shaman Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair (from Level: 15, 25 or 35). Yes 39 DR

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Attack Hairstyles

Image Item Info Tradable Price
Warriorm.jpg Warrior Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair styles with attributes
+10% strenght against different characters.
Yes 49 DR
Ninjam.jpg Ninja Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair styles with attributes
+10% strenght against different characters.
Yes 49 DR
Suram.jpg Sura Hairstyle There are various colors and shapes of hair styles with attributes
+10% strenght against different characters.
Yes 49 DR
Shamanm.jpg Shaman Hairtyle There are various colors and shapes of hair styles with attributes
+10% strenght against different characters.
Yes 49 DR
Lycantribalplates.png Lycan Hairstyle There are various colors of Tribal Plaits with attributes
+10% strenght against different characters.
Yes 49 DR

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Mounts & Pets

Image Item Info Tradable Price
Transport Box.png
Transport Box When you place your pet in the Transport Box it becomes tradeable for 30 days. Yes 79 DR
Pet Book Chest.png
Pet Book Chest Contains a randomly selected pet book. Yes 129 DR
Protein Snack.png
Protein Snack Feed your exhausted pet a tasty Protein Snack and it will be completely restored. Feed it to a dead pet and it will be revived and restored to 50%. Yes 19 DR
Baby Azrael Seal This mini demon is extremely affectionate and will give you a bonus of 1500 HP and 15% damage from the 2nd floor of both the Demon Tower and the Devil's Catacomb. No 99 / 299 DR
Baby Azrael (gold) Seal This mini demon is extremely affectionate and will give you a bonus of 1500 HP and 15% damage from the 2nd floor of both the Demon Tower and the Devil's Catacomb. No 799 DR
Mount Certificate.png
Power Mounts This animal gives you more power and defense for 7 days. No 99 DR
Power Snack.png
Power Snack Are you attached to your Power Mount? Then extend its duration by a further 7, 15 or 30 days. No 29 / 59 / 99 DR
Horse Sugar.png
Horse Sugar This piece of sugar allows you to give your horse a name for 30 days. It also increases the defence value by 20 during these 30 days. Make sure you do not give your own name to your horse! No 49 DR

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This section is visible only when Costumes, Hair Styles or Weapon Skins are sold in the item-shop.
They exist in 2 variants. With + and without +.

  • With +: items are tradeable and you can add and change bonuses with Background.pngTransform Costume.png Transform Costume and Background.pngEnchant Costume.png Enchant Costume.
  • Without +: items are not tradeable and its not possible to add bonuses.

Image Item Info When they are sold? Price
Musketeer Hairstyle.png
Musketeer Hairstyle Well-kept, short blond hairstyle for the perfect musketeer look. Sometimes as special offer 29 / 49 DR
Musketeer Costume.png
Musketeer Costume Extravagant suit in the musketeers' style. Sometimes as special offer 59 / 79 DR
Maid Bonnet.png
Maid Bonnet Blonde bob with a maid's bonnet. Sometimes as special offer 29 / 49 DR
Maid Uniform.png
Maid Uniform Black dress with a white apron in the style of a French maid. Sometimes as special offer 59 / 79 DR
Mini Mohawk.png
Mini Mohawk Cool, short haircut in a Iroquois style. Sometimes as special offer 29 / 49 DR
Salsa Suit.png
Salsa Suit Skin-tight, orange-black suit for Latin-American dancers. Sometimes as special offer 59 / 79 DR
Salsa Bun.png
Salsa Bun Elegant updo with a red flower. Sometimes as special offer 29 / 49 DR
Salsa Dress.png
Salsa Dress Skin-tight, red dance dress with black gloves. Sometimes as special offer 59 / 79 DR
Bogart Fedora.png
Bogart Fedora Cool, short haircut in a Iroquois style. Sometimes as special offer 29 / 49 DR
Gentleman's Suit.png
Gentleman's Suit Elegant suit for men of good conduct. Sometimes as special offer 59 / 79 DR
Flower Hairstyle.png
Flower Hairstyle Elegant updo with a red flower. Sometimes as special offer 29 / 49 DR
Cocktail Dress.png
Cocktail Dress Sky blue dress with a bow and matching strappy sandals. Sometimes as special offer 59 / 79 DR
Black Turban.png
Black Turban A headdress made from black material for men/women Sometimes as special offer - DR
Desert Warrior (Black).png
Desert Warrior (Black) Black Battle clothing for men/women Sometimes as special offer - DR
Bunny Ears (White).png
Bunny Ears (White) White-coloured hat with rabbit ears for men. During Easter Event (2016) ?? DR
Bunny Costume (White).png
Bunny Costume (White) Rabbit costume for men made from white-coloured plush. During Easter Event (2016) ?? DR
Bunny Ears (Rose).png
Bunny Ears (Rose) Rose-coloured hat with rabbit ears for men. During Easter Event (2016) ?? DR
Bunny Costume (Rose).png
Bunny Costume (White) Rabbit costume for men made from rose-coloured plush. During Easter Event (2016) ?? DR
Bunny Ears (Navy Blue).png
Bunny Ears (Navy Blue) Navy blue-coloured bunny ears for women. During Easter Event (2016) ?? DR
Bunny Costume (N. Blue).png
Bunny Costume (N. Blue) Bunny costume for women made from navy blue plush. During Easter Event (2016) ?? DR
Bunny Ears (Magenta).png
Bunny Ears (Magenta) Magenta-coloured bunny ears for women. During Easter Event (2016) ?? DR
Bunny Costume (Magenta).png
Bunny Costume (Magenta) Bunny costume for women made from magenta plush. During Easter Event (2016) ?? DR
Red Santa Hat.png
Red Santa Hat Red felt hat with a white bobble. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Red Winter Robe.png
Red Winter Robe Winter garments made of red felt. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Blue Santa Hat.png
Blue Santa Hat Blue felt hat with a white bobble. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Blue Winter Robe.png
Blue Winter Robe Winter garments made of blue felt. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Red Santa Hood.png
Red Santa Hood Red felt hood with a white bobble. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Red Winter Dress.png
Red Winter Dress Winter dress made of red felt. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Blue Santa Hood.png
Blue Santa Hood Blue felt hood with a white bobble. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Blue Winter Dress.png
Blue Winter Dress Winter dress made of blue felt. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Candy Cane Bell.png
Candy Cane Bell A weapon skin which transforms your bell into a candy cane for Christmas. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Candy Cane Blade.png
Candy Cane Blade A weapon skin which transforms your sword into a candy cane for Christmas. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Candy Cane Dagger.png
Candy Cane Dagger A weapon skin which transforms your dagger into a candy cane for Christmas. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Elven Bow.png
Elven Bow A weapon skin which transforms your bow into an Elven Bow for Christmas. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Frosty Fan.png
Frosty Fan A weapon skin which adorns your fan with a snowman for Christmas. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Gingerbread Glaive.png
Gingerbread Glaive A weapon skin which adorns your two-handed weapon with gingerbread for Christmas. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Rudolph Claws.png
Rudolph Claws A weapon skin which adorns your claws with a reindeer for Christmas. During Christmas Event (2015) ?? DR
Fanged Helmet (Gold).png
Fanged Helmet (Gold) A blood-curdling helmet for Halloween which will scare the living daylights out of your enemies. During Halloween Event (2015) ?? DR
Fanged Costume (Gold).png
Fanged Costume (Gold) A demonic-looking Halloween costume which will send chills down your enemy's spine. During Halloween Event (2015) ?? DR
Fanged Helmet (Silver).png
Fanged Helmet (Silver) A blood-curdling helmet for Halloween which will scare the living daylights out of your enemies. During Halloween Event (2015) ?? DR
Fanged Costume (Silver).png
Fanged Costume (Silver) A demonic-looking Halloween costume which will send chills down your enemy's spine. During Halloween Event (2015) ?? DR
Cobra Hairstyle.png
Cobra Hairstyle A matching headdress for the Cobra Outfit. During Summer Event (2015) 29 / ?? DR
Cobra Outfit.png
Cobra Outfit Black shimmering outfit with snake symbols. During Summer Event (2015) 39 / ?? DR
Bunny Ears (Grey).png
Bunny Ears (Grey) Soft grey fur hat with bunny ears. During Easter Event (2015) ?? DR
Bunny Costume (Grey).png
Bunny Costume (Grey) Soft and cuddly grey fur apparel with a leporine motif a bunny costume. During Easter Event (2015) ?? DR
Bunny Ears (Brown).png
Bunny Ears (Brown) Soft brown fur hat with bunny ears. During Easter Event (2015) ?? DR
Bunny Costume (Brown).png
Bunny Costume (Brown) Soft and cuddly brown fur apparel with a leporine motif a bunny costume. During Easter Event (2015) ?? DR
Easter Headdress (Blue).png
Easter Headdress (Blue) Breezy light blue Easter headdress for the fashion-conscious warrioress. During Easter Event (2015) ?? DR
Light Blue Easter Dress.png
Light Blue Easter Dress Light blue Easter dress with detailed decoration. During Easter Event (2015) ?? DR
Easter Headdress (Gaudy).png
Easter Headdress (Gaudy) Beautifully iridescent Easter headdress for the fashion-conscious warrioress. During Easter Event (2015) ?? DR
Gaudy Easter Dress.png
Gaudy Easter Dress Brashly coloured Easter dress with showy decoration. During Easter Event (2015) ?? DR
Snowman Mask.png
Snowman Mask Snowman mask with elegant satin top hat. During Christmas Event (2014) ?? DR
Snowman Costume.png
Snowman Costume Snowman costume made of white velvet. During Christmas Event (2014) ?? DR
Santa Frosty Mask.png
Santa Frosty Mask Snowman mask with red velvet and white fur trim. During Christmas Event (2014) ?? DR
Santa Frosty Costume.png
Santa Frosty Costume Snowman costume with red velvet. Santa Claus Suit. During Christmas Event (2014) ?? DR
Bobble Hat (Red).png
Bobble Hat (Red) Santa hat made with red velvet with white fur trim and a white bobble. During Christmas Event (2014) ?? DR
Christmas Dress (Red).png
Christmas Dress (Red) Red mini dress with stockings and accessories. During Christmas Event (2014) ?? DR
Bobble Hat (White).png
Bobble Hat (White) Santa hat made with white velvet with white fur trim and a red bobble. During Christmas Event (2014) ?? DR
Christmas Dress (White).png
Christmas Dress (White) White mini dress with stockings and accessories. During Christmas Event (2014) ?? DR
Witch's Hat.png
Witch's Hat Pointed hat with a wide brim, as worn by witches and warlocks. During Halloween Event (2014) ?? DR
Warlock's&Witch Costume.png
Warlock's&Witch Costume Male: Mystical black suit, perfect for a warlock.

Female: This mystical black dress is the perfect little witch's costume.

During Halloween Event (2014) ?? DR
Zombie Pumpkin Mask.png
Zombie Pumpkin Mask Halloween costume in the form of a monstrous pumpkin mask. During Halloween Event (2014) ?? DR
Zombie Costume.png
Zombie Costume Blood-smeared clothing, rotting flesh, exposed bones - the perfect get-up for every zombie/female zombie. During Halloween Event (2014) ?? DR
World Cup 2014 Costumes World Cup football kit in the [Name of the Contry] national colours. During Football World Cup 2014 ?? DR
Rabbit Ears (brown).png
Rabbit Ears (brown) Rabbit costume for men made from brown plush. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Rabbit Costume (brown).png
Rabbit Costume (brown) Rabbit costume for men made from brown plush. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Rabbit Ears (black).png
Rabbit Ears (black) Black hat with rabbit ears for men. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Rabbit Costume (black).png
Rabbit Costume (black) Rabbit costume for men made from black plush. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Rabbit Ears (green).png
Rabbit Ears (green) Green hat with rabbit ears for men. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Rabbit Costume (green).png
Rabbit Costume (green) Rabbit costume for men made from green plush. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Bunny Ears (black).png
Bunny Ears (black) Black bunny ears for women. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Bunny Costume (black).png
Bunny Costume (black) Bunny costume for women made from black plush. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Bunny Ears (brown).png
Bunny Ears (brown) Brown Bunny Ears for women. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Bunny Costume (brown).png
Bunny Costume (brown) Bunny costume for women made from brown plush. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Bunny Ears (green).png
Bunny Ears (green) Green bunny ears for women. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Bunny Costume (green).png
Bunny Costume (green) Bunny costume for women made from green plush. During Easter Event (2013) and Easter Event (2014) ?? DR
Christmas Hat (green).png
Christmas Hat (green) Green velvet hat with antlers and a white bobble. During Christmas Event (2012) and Christmas Event (2013) ?? DR
Christmas Costume (green).png
Christmas Costume (green) Christmassy suit/minidress made of green velvet and white plush. During Christmas Event (2012) and Christmas Event (2013) ?? DR
Christmas Hat (red).png
Christmas Hat (red) Red velvet hat with antlers and a white bobble. During Christmas Event (2012) and Christmas Event (2013) ?? DR
Christmas Costume (red).png
Christmas Costume (red) Christmassy suit/minidress made of red velvet and white plush. During Christmas Event (2012) and Christmas Event (2013) ?? DR
Elf Hat.png
Elf Hat Snow white headwear with delicate wings. During Christmas Event (2012) and Christmas Event (2013) ?? DR
Pumpkin Jack Head.png
Pumpkin Jack Head Spookily superb Halloween mask. During Halloween Event (2013) ?? DR
Pumpkin Jack Costume.png
Pumpkin Jack Costume Spookily superb Halloween costume. During Halloween Event (2013) 89 / 109 DR
Masks of the World 2.png
Masks of the World

Tengu Mask:      Artistically carved mask of a Japanese deity.
Venetian Mask:  Splendid Venetian carnival mask.
Kifwebe Mask:   Elaborately carved wooden mask with a black fabric hood.
Maya Mask:        Fearsome mask of the Maya warrior.

During Halloween Event (2013) 19 DR
Football Costumes (2013) Football team jerseys in different colors. During Football Event (2013) 19 / 27 / 37 / 49 DR
Christmas Hat (black).png
Christmas Hat (black) Black velvet hat with antlers and a white bobble. During Christmas Event (2012) ?? DR
Christmas Costume (black).png
Christmas Costume (black) Christmassy suit/minidress made of black velvet and white plush. During Christmas Event (2012) ?? DR
Pumpkin Mask.png
Pumpkin Mask A hollowed-out pumpkin. Spacious, well ventilated and truly spooky. During Halloween Event (2012) ?? DR
Halloween Costume.png
Halloween Costume A classic eye-catcher - newly interpreted for this special occasion. During Halloween Event (2012) 59 / 79 DR
Polar Bear Hat.png
Polar Bear Hat Headdress in the form of a polar bear Unknown ?? DR
Snow Rabbit Hat.png
Snow Rabbit Hat Headdress in the form of a snow rabbit Unknown ?? DR
Snow Leopard Hat.png
Snow Leopard Hat Headdress in the form of a snow leopard Unknown ?? DR

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