Difference between revisions of "Advanced Polymorph Book"

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m (Robot: Adding cz, de, es, it, pl, tr)
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[[cz:Kniha proměn pro pokročilé]]
[[de:Buch fort. Verwandlung]]
[[es:Libro Polimorfo Avanzado]]
[[it:Libro Trasformazione Avanzata]]
[[pl:Zaaw. Księga Polimorfii]]
[[tr:İleri Dönüşüm Kitabı]]

Revision as of 21:21, 23 April 2013

< Main Page < Categories of Items / List of Items < Advanced Polymorph Book
Advanced Polymorph Book



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During successful reading it increases the level of the Polymorph using the Polymorph Book. As when get to level 20 it masters,so you need Advanced Polymorph Book. When Polymorph gets level M10 it turns to G1, so you'll need to use the Master Polymorph Book.

Polymorph Book.png

Second of the three Polymorph books. Increases the Polymorph Skill level .


Increases the Polymorph skill level.

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