Difference between revisions of "Driving away the White Army"

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[[cz:Zahnání klanu Bílé přísahy]]
[[cz:Zahnání klanu Bílé přísahy]]
[[de:Vertreiben der weißen Armee]]
[[de:Vertreiben der weißen Armee]]
[[fr:Chasser l'armée blanche]]
[[hu:A fehér sereg száműzése]]
[[hu:A fehér sereg száműzése]]
[[it:Distruggi l'esercito bianco]]
[[it:Distruggi l'esercito bianco]]

Revision as of 00:02, 4 February 2017

< Metin2Wiki < Missionbooksquests < Driving away the White Army

Driving away the White Army


Mission Book (Normal).png Normal

Driving away the White Army

Recently, the army of the White Oath has been causing a lot of trouble. They keep capturing peddlers and causing lots of damage to the village. Please stop them. Eliminate the members of the army and their leaders.
Possible Reward

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