Difference between revisions of "Examine the Ghost Trees"

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[[cz:Prozkoumej stromy duchů]]
[[cz:Prozkoumej stromy duchů]]
[[de:Untersuche die Geisterbäume]]
[[de:Untersuche die Geisterbäume]]
[[fr:Examinez les arbres fantômes]]
[[hu:A szellemfák vizsgálata]]
[[hu:A szellemfák vizsgálata]]
[[it:Esamina gli alberi fantasma]]
[[it:Esamina gli alberi fantasma]]
[[pl:Zabij Duchy Drzewa]]
[[pl:Zabij Duchy Drzewa]]
[[ro:Cercetează Copacii Fantomă]]
[[ro:Cercetează Copacii Fantomă]]

Latest revision as of 00:15, 5 February 2017

< Metin2Wiki < Missionbooksquests < Examine the Ghost Trees

Examine the Ghost Trees


Mission Book (Expert).png Expert

Examine the Ghost Trees

Usually, they look just like trees - and then, all of a sudden, they come alive and attack animals and humans. Find out how we can destroy the Ghost Trees.
Kill 30 Ghost Trees.
Possible Reward

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