Difference between revisions of "Metin of Battle"

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[[hu:Csata metinje]]
[[hu:Csata metinje]]
[[it:Metin della Battaglia]]
[[it:Metin della Battaglia]]
[[nl:Metin der Schlacht]]
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[[pl:Metin Bitwy]]
[[pl:Metin Bitwy]]
[[pt:Metin da Batalha]]
[[pt:Metin da Batalha]]
[[ro:Piatra Metin a Bătăliei]]
[[ro:Piatra Metin a Bătăliei]]
[[tr:Savaş Metini]]
[[tr:Savaş Metini]]

Revision as of 14:42, 1 November 2017

< Metin2Wiki < Metinoverview < Metin of Battle
Metin of Battle
Metin of Battle.jpg
No element
Weapon Drops
Armour Drops
Other Drops
Additional information
  • In Chunjo empire, is usually in the top places to find the right guild and at the two beaches (4 pieces / each 2 at each beach).
  • In Jinno empire, is often found near the monument wolves (be careful there are many white tiger), often at the beach and the old temple found east of the city.
  • In Shinsoo empire, is often below the town, and below the biologist.
  • In the mission Destroy the Metin of Battle (MBQuest) from Mission Book (Easy), it is required to destroy this stone.
  • In the mission Destroy the Metin of Battle from Captain in Level 14, it is required to destroy this metin stone.

< Metin2Wiki < Metinoverview < Metin of Battle