
< Metin2Wiki < Metin-Stones < Metin:List

General Information

Metins or Metin Stones fall as meteorites from the sky, and then stay in the place where they land, until they are destroyed. Metins are significantly different from other opponents/mobs:

  • Metins don't move.
  • Metins don't attack.
  • Depending on the metin and the remaining HP left on it, the metin stone will usually spawn 10 groups of monsters that will automatically attack who is attacking the metin. The first two spawns consist of a group of monsters, the next four spawns two groups, and the last four spawns up to three groups.
  • Metins are a class 5 opponent and therefore, comparing to other opponents of the same level are fairly hard to destroy.
  • Metins can be spawned with Background.pngMetin Stone Spawner.png Metin Stone Spawner.
  • It's usually recommended that you destroy metins within 9 levels above your level, for optimized drop rates
  • Metins are extremely popular targets because they are the most important or even almost the only source of essential items such as:
  • All Metins except Metin Pung-Ma (Lvl 75), Metin Ma-An (Lvl 80) and Metin Tu-Young (Lvl 85) drop Background.pngSkill Book.png Skill Book.
  • Spirit Stones drop only from Metin of Black or higher, except Metins in dungeons.
  • Metins above level 40, Metin of Soul can drop Background.pngSoul Stone.png Soul Stone.
  • The bonus 'Strength against Metin stones' works against all these Metins.

Normal Metins

Level Image Name Spawn areas Skill Book Spirit Stones Soul Stones
1 Repair Wood (Metin).png Repair Wood (Metin) Ship Defence
5 Metin of the Moon.jpg Metin of the Moon Colony
5 Metin of Sorrow.jpg Metin of Sorrow Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
10 Metin of Combat.jpg Metin of Combat Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
15 Metin of Battle.jpg Metin of Battle Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
20 Metin of Greed.jpg Metin of Greed Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
25 Metin of Black.jpg Metin of Black Bakra, Bokjung, Yayang, Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
30 Metin of Darkness.jpg Metin of Darkness Bakra, Bokjung, Yayang
35 Metin of Jealousy.jpg Metin of Jealousy Bakra, Bokjung, Yayang
40 Metin of Soul.jpg Metin of Soul Yongbi Desert
45 Metin of Shadow.jpg Metin of Shadow Valley of Seungryong, Yongbi Desert
50 Metin of Toughness.jpg Metin of Toughness Yongbi Desert
Demon Tower
55 Metin of Devil.jpg Metin of Devil Mount Sohan
Demon Tower
60 Metin of Fall.jpg Metin of Fall Demon Tower
60 Metin of Vengeance.jpg Metin of Vengeance Dragon's Temple
60 Metin of Solitude.jpg Metin of Solitude Dragon's Temple
60 Metin of Mountain.jpg Metin of Mountain Dragon's Temple
60 Metin of Arrogance.jpg Metin of Arrogance Dragon's Temple
65 Metin of Death.jpg Metin of Death Mount Sohan
Demon Tower
70 Metin of Murder.jpg Metin of Murder Doyyumhwan
Demon Tower
70 Spider Egg (Metin).png Spider Egg (Metin) Spider Queen's Nest
75 Metin Pung-Ma.jpg Metin Pung-Ma Land of Giants, Lungsam
80 Metin Ma-An.jpg Metin Ma-An Land of Giants, Lungsam
85 Metin Tu-Young.jpg Metin Tu-Young Red Forest
85 Metin of Retribution.jpg Metin of Retribution Devil's Catacomb
90 Metin Jeon-Un.jpg Metin Jeon-Un Red Forest
95 Metin of Gloom.jpg Metin of Gloom Cape Dragon Fire
95 Metin of Ember.jpg Metin of Ember Cape Dragon Fire, Nephrite Bay
100 Purgatory Fire Metin.jpg Purgatory Fire Metin Red Dragon Fortress
100 Metin of Cold.jpg Metin of Cold Nemere's Watchtower
100 Metin of Vanity.jpg Metin of Vanity Nephrite Bay
100 Metin of Wrath.jpg Metin of Wrath Thunder Mountains, Gautama Cliff
100 Metin of the Tree Beings.jpg Metin of the Tree Beings Enchanted Forest
105 North Dragon Pillar.png North Dragon Pillar Nemere's Watchtower
105 Metin of Calamity.jpg Metin of Calamity Thunder Mountains
105 Metin of Malice.jpg Metin of Malice Gautama Cliff
105 Dragon Egg.png Dragon Egg (Meley-Group) Meley's Lair (Group)
105 Northwind Crystal.png Northwind Crystal Northwind Deeps
111 Metin of Vengeance.jpg Metin of Vengeance (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR)
Metin of Vengeance (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX)
111 Metin of Solitude.jpg Metin of Solitude (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR)
Metin of Solitude (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX)
111 Metin of Mountain.jpg Metin of Mountain (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR)
Metin of Mountain (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX)
111 Metin of Arrogance.jpg Metin of Arrogance (TR) Grotto of Exile (TR)
Metin of Arrogance (RX) Grotto of Exile (RX)
115 Purgatory Fire Metin.jpg Purgatory Fire Metin (TR) Red Dragon Fortress (TR)
Purgatory Fire Metin (RX) Red Dragon Fortress (RX)
115 Metin of Cold.jpg Metin of Cold (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR)
Metin of Cold (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX)
120 North Dragon Pillar.png North Dragon Pillar (TR) Nemere's Watchtower (TR)
North Dragon Pillar (RX) Nemere's Watchtower (RX)
120 Metin of the Tree Beings.jpg Metin of the Tree Beings (TR) Enchanted Forest (TR)
Metin of the Tree Beings (RX) Enchanted Forest (RX)
120 Dragon Egg.png Dragon Egg (Meley-Guild) Meley's Lair (Guild)
120 Hydra Egg.png Hydra Egg Ship Defence
120 Metin of the Forest.jpg Metin of the Forest Enchanted Forest
120 Metin of Battle.jpg Metin of Earth Elemental Realm
120 Metin of Black.jpg Metin of Fire Elemental Realm
120 Metin of Shadow.jpg Metin of Ice Elemental Realm
120 Metin of Shadow.jpg Metin of Lightning Elemental Realm
120 Metin of Soul.jpg Metin of Night Elemental Realm
120 Metin of Sorrow.jpg Metin of the Wind Elemental Realm
120 Metin of Perception.png Metin of Perception Abandoned Fortress, Dong Gwang Plain, Seo Gwang Wastelands, Nam Gwang Chasm
Metin of Perception (Q) Dong Gwang Plain
120 Troll Outpost.png Troll Outpost Dong Gwang Plain
120 1st Quag Outpost.png 1st Quag Outpost Seo Gwang Wastelands
120 2nd Quag Outpost.png 2nd Quag Outpost Nam Gwang Chasm
120 Metin of Appreciation.png Metin of Appreciation Seo Gwang Wastelands, Nam Gwang Chasm
120 Metin of Mindfulness.png Metin of Mindfulness Nam Gwang Chasm, Yilad Pass
120 Metin of the Jin.png Metin of the Jin Nam Gwang Chasm, Yilad Pass
120 Metin of the Shiho.png Metin of the Shiho Yilad Pass, Northwind Canyon, Soul Gorge
120 Metin of Gumar.png Metin of Gumar Northwind Canyon, Soul Gorge
120 Space Serpent Metin.png Space Serpent Metin Serpent Temple (Base Floor)
120 Earth Serpent Metin.png Earth Serpent Metin Serpent Temple
120 Fire Serpent Metin.png Fire Serpent Metin Serpent Temple
120 Ice Serpent Metin.png Ice Serpent Metin Serpent Temple
120 Wind Serpent Metin.png Wind Serpent Metin Serpent Temple
120 Time Serpent Metin.png Time Serpent Metin Serpent Temple
120 Metin of Sorrow.jpg Tower Soul Stone Sung Mahi Tower
120 White Dragon Egg (NPC).png White Dragon Egg Northwind Deeps
120 Flaming Dragon Egg.png Flaming Dragon Egg Balathor's Crypt
120 Frozen Dragon Egg.png Frozen Dragon Egg Balathor's Crypt
120 Ancient Ice Crystal.png Ancient Ice Crystal Balathor's Crypt
125 Metin of the Forest.jpg Metin of the Forest (TR) Enchanted Forest (TR)
Metin of the Forest (RX) Enchanted Forest (RX)
130 Metin of the Shiho.png Tower Demon Stone Sung Mahi Tower

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Event Metins

  • The following Metins are found only during Events in the game.

Level Image Name Spawn areas Event Skill Book Spirit Stones Soul Stones
1 Chunjo Rock.jpg Chunjo Rock
1 Jinno Rock.jpg Jinno Rock
1 Shinsoo Rock.jpg Shinsoo Rock
1 Emperor Rock.jpg Emperor Rock
10 to 120 Easter Metin.jpg Easter Metin See desired page Easter Event
30 to 120 Metin of the Test Anywhere Metin Fever
50 Metin of Agony.png Metin of Agony Most neutral maps Monster Bash Event
105 Metin of Salvation.jpg Metin of Salvation Salvation Journey to the Otherworld

Metin Skins

  • The following Metins are skins that appear during Events, replacing existing normal Metins

Image Event
Valentine'sMetin.png Valentine's Day Event
Summer Event Metin.png Summer Event
Halloween Metin.png Halloween Event