Difference between revisions of "Stone of Defence"

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|Description = Defence + xx
<!-- Exact ingame description -->
|Description =
{{Description NativeLook GreenFont|text=Defence +xx}}
|Category = Spirit Stone
<!-- Amount of slots needed -->
|height =
|width =  
|Function = Can be attached in armours to raise the max of defence.
<!-- What function does it have or how do you use it -->
:* +0 Defence +2
|Function =  
:* +1 Defence +4
*Can be inserted into your [[Armours|armour]]
:* +2 Defence +6
*Stone level between +0 to +4
:* +3 Defence +10
*Gives a bonus when you use the item:
:* +4 Defence +15
:*+0 - Defence +2
:*+1 - Defence +4
:*+2 - Defence +6
:*+3 - Defence +10
:*+4 - Defence +15
|Quests =  
<!-- Is this item used in Quests? Specify Quest name and level quest -->
|Quest =
|Origin = :*'''Metins:''' From all metins of [[Metin of Black]] to [[Metin of Calamity]] (except from the metin in [[Demon Tower]], [[Devil's Catacomb]], [[Dragon's Temple]], [[Nemere's Watchtower]] and [[Red Dragon Fortress]]) are dropping it.
<!-- Where does the item come from? Remove whatever is not used -->
:*'''Quest Reward:''' Level 14 ''[[Destroy the Metin of Battle]]'' (Stone +0 - +2)
|Origin =  
:*'''Monsters:''' [[Mighty Ice Witch]] (Stone +4)
:*'''[[Monsters]]:''' [[Mighty Ice Witch]], [[Mysterious Monk]]
::*''Level 14'' [[Destroy the Metin of Battle]] (+0 to +2)
::*''Level 27'' [[Destroy the Metin of Black]] (+0 to +2)
:*'''[[Metin:List|Metins]]:''' All except from dungeons
:*'''[[Boxes]]:''' {{Ti|Spirit Stone Pouch}}
<!-- Answer with Yes or No -->
|Tradable NPC = Yes
|Tradable NPC = Yes
|Tradable Window = Yes
|Tradable Window = Yes
|Private Shop = Yes
|Private Shop = Yes
|Storable = Yes
|Dropable = Yes
|Dropable = Yes
|Storable = Yes
|Stackable = No
|Stackable = No
<!-- Any other information? -->
:*On +0 +1 +2 it is used to make refined ore.
|Other =  
*[[File:Looking Glass.png|link=Looking Glass]][[File:Trading Glass.png|link=Trading Glass]] '''Upgrades''' > Spirit Stones
*+0 to +3 can be used to make [[Ores#Refined Ore|Refined Ores]]
*See also [[Spirit Stones]]
<!-- Acceptable tags: Chest, Fishing, Mounts, Pets, Upgrade, Quest, Costumes, Item Shop, Potions, Event, Books, Spirit Stone, Other -->
|Category = Spirit Stone
|Category2 =
<!-- Only when 'Category' is Chest. Use 16px Ti -->
|Content-items =
|Content-armours =
|Content-weapons =
|Content-accessories =
|Content-helmshield =
|Content-other =
<!-- Only when 'Cateogory' is Costumes -->
|App-men =
<gallery widths=110px heights=170px perrow=5>
File names
|App-women =
<gallery widths=110px heights=170px perrow=5>
File names

Latest revision as of 17:38, 5 April 2022

Stone of Defence

Stone of Defence.png
Stone of Defence.png
Stone of Defence
Defence +xx
  • Can be inserted into your armour
  • Stone level between +0 to +4
  • Gives a bonus when you use the item:
  • +0 - Defence +2
  • +1 - Defence +4
  • +2 - Defence +6
  • +3 - Defence +10
  • +4 - Defence +15

This item is not used in quests.

Tradable Dropable Storable Stackable
NPC Trade Window Private Shop Mailbox
Tick.png Tick.png Tick.png Nothing.pngNo Tick.png Tick.png No.pngNo
Looking Glass.pngTrading Glass.png  ⇒  This item cannot be found in Shop Search

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