Harvest Festival

Revision as of 07:51, 25 April 2015 by Crazypaul (talk | contribs)
Harvest Festival Header.png

The 'Harvest Festival' is an event that takes place regularly on the last weekend of each month. The objective is to help Wonda-Rim and Handu-Up to recover the Rice Cakes.

Event sequence

The quest is divided in 2 parts. On the 1st part you should go to Handu-Up, you will be asked to kill a few monsters, according to your level, once this has been completed, you should return to Handu-Up, you will now be request to do the second part of the quest, wich is to kill more monsters, but the second part needs to be done while in group.

The second part can be cancelled, but if you cancel it you will receive less Rice Cakes, and therefore, a lesser prize at the end.

The quest can be repeated 9 times. (During the 48 hours that the event lasts)

You can trade the Rice Cakes for prizes at Wonda-Rim

NOTE: All rice cakes will disapear once the event is over


1st Part Quests (No group)

Level Kill (×30)
1-10 Alpha Blue Wolf
11-20 White Oath Soldier
21-40 Savage Infantryman
41-60 Dark Fanatic
61-80 Flame Ghost
81-105 Hellhound

2nd Part Quests (Group needed)

Level Kill (×60)
1-10 Wild Boar
11-20 Red Wild Boar
21-30 Brown Bear
31-40 Savage Minion
41-50 Esoteric Arahan Fighter
51-60 Dark Summoner
61-70 Bullfrog General
71-80 Flame Warrior
81-90 Jellyfish of Hell
91-105 Zombie


Points/Rice Cakes Reward
30 Background.pngYellow Ebony Box.png Yellow Ebony Box
45 Background.pngMoon Elixir(M).png Moon Elixir(M)
50 Background.png22px Plump Ebony Box
55 Background.pngRed Ebony Box.png Red Ebony Box
60 Background.pngSun Elixir(M).png Sun Elixir(M)
65 Background.pngLightgreen Ebony Box.png Lightgreen Ebony Box
75 Background.pngGreen Ebony Box.png Green Ebony Box
75 Background.pngBlue Ebony Box.png Blue Ebony Box
80 Background.pngCrimson Ebony Box.png Crimson Ebony Box