Level 89 Setaou Hunter 
Stage: 1
Effective bonus*: Devil
Basic-EXP: ??
Attackvalue: Still no entry.
Grotto of Exile
Blue Dragon Bow, Castle Helm, Dragon Knife, Ghost Mask Sallet, Soul Stealing Blade(unconfirmed!), Peach Blossom, Silver Arrow, Sun Light Hat, Steel Hood, Sting Sword, Tue Fungus,Purple Pot (L) Rotten Wooden Box
- It drops Dragon Knives +4 and +6, Steel Hoods +5 and other lvl 41 helms +0.
- Flowers drop in packages of 5
*Effective bonus: a bonus, which can be on certain equipment, works against monsters of a certain kind (the "Strong against _____" bonuses).