Level 40 Elite Orc Sorcerer
Stage: Still no entry.
Effective bonus*: Orcs
Basic-EXP: 2254
Attackvalue: Still no entry.
Valley of Seungryong
Aquatic Fan, Thorn Leaf Bow, Jade Bell,Lucky Knife, Orchid Sword, Red Eye Bow, Black Leaf Dirk, Devil Mask Dagger, Silver Sword, Black Ruin Bow, Lion Plate Armour , Crimson Suit, Yin and Yang Armour, Orc Molar(Quest Item), Mission Book(hard), Orc Amulet+, Silver Chest, Diary Page(Quest Item-page2).
Still no entry.
*Effective bonus: a bonus, which can be on certain equipment, works against monsters of a certain kind (the "Strong against _____" bonuses).