Spiders Dungeon 2

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FlagNeutral.png Spiders Dungeon 2
Spiders Dungeon 2 can be entered with passages through Pung-Ho NPC in Spiders Dungeon's in the Red Room.

Ticket you can purchase from the Item-Shop either separately for 9 DR or in a 25-Pack for 59 DR.
You should not underestimate the mobs since these are much tougher than those you faced in Spiders Dungeon and Yongbi Desert!
All monsters drop the 61 lvl shields Falcon Shield, Tiger Shield, Lion Edge Shield, Dragon Scale Shield
Those shields only start dropping to players at lvl 60, and they drop on +0.
Besides those, there are plenty of other items which drop up to +6

(Special bonuses on items,like strong against animals, are useless)

Interactive Map
Pung-HoSpider Dungeon 3SpiderDungeon2 map.png
No metins available on this map
Ore Veins
No ore veins available on this map

Other Information
Monsters Distribution
Metins spawn areas
SpiderDungeon2 map mobV2.jpg
No image available for metin spawn areas.
Adjacent areas
Old Man
You cannot reach this area via the Old Man
You cannot reach this area via the Teleporter