The bookworm's Treasure Map

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< Main_Page < List of Quests / Questcategory < The bookworm's Treasure Map
Level 44 - The bookworm's Treasure Map
Quest Starter: Short description:
Needed Quests:
Needed Items: Reward:
  • 1.400.000 EXP
  • 25.000 Yang
  • Level 41 Helmet (According to Class)
Go to Soon. He needs 4 Treasure maps, kill Bera, Lykos, Scrofa and Tigris. When you get the 4 Treasure maps, return to Soon, then to Old Man pick up a Treasure Chest and bring it to Soon.
  • It is not necessary to kill the 4 different animals. If you kill one of them sevaral times he will drop Treasure map.
  • Quest cannot be complete with purchased maps.

Yongan treasuremapquest.png Joan treasuremapquest.png

< Main_Page < List of Quests / Questcategory < The bookworm's Treasure Map