Nemere's Watchtower

Revision as of 13:39, 20 May 2014 by Skilgannon (talk | contribs)
Nemere's Watchtower Map Header.png

FlagNeutral.png Nemere's Watchtower
Nemere's Watchtower, a dungeon style map, composed by 9 different levels, where you need to perform 9 different tasks to complete the dungeon, all this in 1 hour time limit.

  • Can only enter while in group
  • Only the leader of the group can request entry.
  • Whole group is teleported in.
  • The Dungeon level limit is 100.
  • Group must have at least 1 shaman and 1 ninja.
  • If you leave the dungeon, by disconnection or reviving in city, you have a 5 minute window that you are allowed to go back in.
  • Cooldown to re-enter is 4 hours

  • Level 1: information to be added later

  • Level 2: information to be added later

  • 'Level 3: information to be added later

  • Level 4: information to be added later

  • Level 5: information to be added later

  • Level 6: information to be added later

  • Level 7: information to be added later

  • Level 8: information to be added later

  • Level 9: information to be added later

  • Nemere's Throne Room: information to be added later
Interactive Map
Ore Veins
No ore veins available on this map

Other Information
Monsters Distribution
Metins spawn areas
No image available for Monsters distribution. No image available for metin spawn areas.
Adjacent areas
Old Man
You cannot reach this area via the Old Man
You cannot reach this area via the Teleporter