Chocolate Amulet

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Chocolate Amulet

Chocolate Amulet.png
Chocolate Amulet.png
Chocolate Amulet
This magical Chocolate Amulet empowers you in combat. It grants you | 50% EXP | attack speed 20% | casting speed 20% | strength against monsters 10% | max. HP 10% | max. MP 10% | In collaboration with Valentino or Valentinia you'll get an additional EXP set bonus.

For 7 days (168 hours) gives the following bonuses:

    • 50% more EXP
    • 20% Attack Speed
    • 20% Casting Speed
    • 10% strong against monsters
    • Max HP +​10%
    • Max MP +​10%

This item is not used in quests.

Tradable Dropable Storable Stackable
NPC Trade Window Private Shop Mailbox
Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo Nothing.pngNo
Looking Glass.pngTrading Glass.png  ⇒  This item cannot be found in Shop Search

No other informations about this item.

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