Spirit Stones

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What are Spirit Stones?

Spirit stones are items that can be inserted into Weapons, Armours and Gloves. When successfully inserted, it gives you a permanent bonus as long as you wear the item. You cannot add the same spirit stone in a weapon or armour. The grade varies between +0 to a maximum of +4, increasing its bonus by every grade. Spirit stones cannot be upgraded. For gloves however, the term demon stones is more common. You can find all kind of stones in Background.pngLooking Glass.png Looking Glass and Background.pngTrading Glass.png Trading Glass in Upgrades > Spirit Stones.


The item you want to insert the spirit stone to needs at least one slot. Items until level 24 you can add one spirit stone, from level 25 to 44 you can add two and all items above level 45 you can add three. But be careful, upon inserting a stone, it has a chance to break. If that's the case, you will see Broken Stone Slot.png Piece of Broken Stone. You can clean a broken stone by upgrading your item or using a Background.pngStone Handbook.png Stone Handbook.

As a general rule, spirit stones +4 are only used into equipment as they have the highest bonuses. Although stones +3 are perfect for starter equipment, stones +0 to +3 are used to melt Ores into Refined Ores. They can also be used to melt Background.pngGlimmerstone.png Glimmerstones into Gaya.

In case you are not satisfied with the current inserted spirit stones, it is possible to remove them by using Background.pngSpirit Stone Scroll.png Spirit Stone Scroll. This item will remove all present spirit stones and they will be placed into your Inventory. This will leave a mark (broken stone). You can also use Background.pngScroll of Correction.png Scroll of Correction. This item will remove the last added spirit stone without leaving any marks.


List of Spirit Stones


Image Item Info +0 +1 +2 +3 +4
Stone of Haste.png
Stone of Haste Increases movement speed +5% +10% +15% +20% +30%
Stone of Magic.png
Stone of Magic Increases Spell Points (SP) +30 +60 +90 +120 +150
Stone of Vitality.png
Stone of Vitality Increases Hit Points (HP) +50 +100 +150 +200 +300
Stone of Evasion.png
Stone of Evasion Chance to block a close-combat attack 1% 2% 3% 5% 8%
Stone of Ducking.png
Stone of Ducking Chance to avoid Arrows 1% 2% 3% 5% 8%
Stone of Defence.png
Stone of Defence Increases defence +2 +4 +6 +10 +15
Anti-Magic Stone (white).png
Anti-Magic Stone Magic penetration +5% +8% +12% +17% +25%


Image Item Info +0 +1 +2 +3 +4
Stone of Monsters.png
Stone of Monsters Strength against monsters +1% +2% +3% +5% +8%
Stone of Cooldown.png
Stone of Cooldown Casting Speed +5% +8% +12% +17% +25%
Stone of Penetration.png
Stone of Penetration Chance for piercing Hits +1% +2% +3% +5% +8%
Stone of Deathblow.png
Stone of Deathblow Chance of critical hit +1% +2% +3% +5% +8%
Stone Against Warrior.png
Stone against Warriors Strong against Warriorr +5% +8% +12% +17% +25%
Stone Against Ninja.png
Stone against Ninjas Strong against Ninjas +5% +8% +12% +17% +25%
Stone Against Shaman.png
Stone against Shamans Strong against Shamans +5% +8% +12% +17% +25%
Stone Against Sura.png
Stone against Suras Strong against Sura +5% +8% +12% +17% +25%
Stone against Lycans.png
Stone against Lycans Strong against Lycans +5% +8% +12% +17% +25%
Anti-Magic Stone (red).png
Anti-Magic Stone Magic penetration +5% +8% +12% +17% +25%


Image Item Info +0 +1 +2 +3 +4
Demon Stone.png
Demon Stone Imbued with Sung Ma's will (STR/VIT/RES/INT) +1 +3 +6 +9 +15
Mighty Demon Stone.png
Mighty Demon Stone Imbued with Sung Ma's will (STR/VIT/RES/INT) +1 (2) +3 (6) +6 (12) +9 (18) +15 (30)