Easter Event (2016)

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The 2016 Easter Event starts 16.03

In Game

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During the Easter Event, Background.pngEaster Egg.png Easter Egg drop as Alternative Drop, this means, any mob, within your level range can drop the Background.pngEaster Egg.png Easter Egg.

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You can take the eggs to Easter Bunny and trade them for items, click here for full list of items possible to get from the eggs.

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For the duration of the event, Background.pngMagic Egg.png Magic Egg drops from Easter Metin Stones, click here for the full list of possible items.

Boss Reaper Event!

  • For players above level 30 only.
  • Clones of the boss monsters Beran-Setaou, Nemere, Red Dragon and Razador will appear in the neutral areas of Orc Valley, Iceland, Fireland and Desert. Take note they won’t contain loot to drop!
  • Each hit the player does on these boss clones is counted.
  • One hit qualifies thet player already for a daily reward if that player is present at the moment the clone is killed.
  • Whilst attacking those clones, your attack speed is reduced by 20%. This debuff is be displayed by an icon in upper left corner.
  • If you are in range of the boss clone when it dies, you get a 20% EXP boost for 30 minutes.
  • If you leave the area before the boss dies, you don’t get this special buff and you lose your daily reward and your hit counter!
  • To claim your hit counter reward visitMr. B who awaits you in villages.

Dayly Rewards

Hit counter rewards

Available on the Item Shop

Related Information and previous events