Quag Primus (Earth)

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Quag Primus (Earth)

Quag Primus (Earth).png


Weapon Drops
Armour Drops
Other Drops
No armour drops from this mob
Background.pngBlood Pill.png Blood Pill
Background.pngPolymorph Book.png Book of Precision
Background.pngBravery Cape.png Bravery Cape 20x (Tradeable)
Background.pngCharisma of a Rookie.png Charisma of a Rookie
Background.pngCharisma of an Adept.png Charisma of an Adept
Background.pngCharisma of an Expert.png Charisma of an Expert
Background.pngCloak of Secrecy.png Cloak of Secrecy
Background.pngDark Jadite.png Dark Jadite 3x
Background.pngEarth Vine.png Earth Vine 5x
Background.pngExperience Ring.png Experience Ring (1h - tradeable)
Background.pngGlimmerstone.png Glimmerstone 50x
Background.pngInspiration of a Rookie.png Inspiration of a Rookie
Background.pngInspiration of an Adept.png Inspiration of an Adept
Background.pngInspiration of an Expert.png Inspiration of an Expert
Background.pngMysterious Ticket.png Mysterious Ticket
Background.pngRandom Treasure Chest.png Random Treasure Chest
Background.pngRandom Treasure Key.png Random Treasure Key
Background.pngRed Potion (XXL).png Red Potion (XXL) 30x
Background.pngSkill Book.png Skill Book
Background.pngSeo Gwang Treasure Chest.png Seo Gwang Treasure Chest
Background.pngSeo Gwang Treasure Key.png Seo Gwang Treasure Key
Background.pngSoul Stone.png Soul Stone
Background.pngTalent Potion.png Talent Potion
Background.pngThief's Gloves.png Thief's Gloves (2h)
Background.pngThief's Gloves.png Thief's Gloves (3h)
Background.pngTreasure Scroll (Tier A).png Treasure Scroll (Tier A)
Background.pngChest.png Yohara Treasure Chest
Background.png9th Path Book Chest.png 9th Path Book Chest
Upgrade/Craft items:
Background.pngArgos Scale.png Argos Scale
Background.pngBlue Sung Ma Rune.png Blue Sung Ma Rune
Background.pngCrude Metal Sheet.png Crude Metal Sheet
Background.pngForged Steel Sheet.png Forged Steel Sheet
Background.pngGlove Design.png Glove Design
Background.pngHard Leather.png Hard Leather
Background.pngJewellery Steel Sheets.png Jewellery Steel Sheets
Background.pngLeather Hardener.png Leather Hardener
Background.pngLeather Hardener+.png Leather Hardener+
Background.pngPurple Sung Ma Rune.png Purple Sung Ma Rune
Background.pngRed Sung Ma Rune.png Red Sung Ma Rune
Background.pngSturdy Cords.png Sturdy Cords
Background.pngTroll Horn.png Troll Horn
Background.pngWill Topaz.png Will Topaz
Background.pngYellow Sung Ma Rune.png Yellow Sung Ma Rune
Additional information
  • Aggressive
  • Chance to poisoning, slowing and knockback
  • Depleting SP everytime you hit the monster
  • Respawns after 1 hour
Spawning areas:

< Metin2Wiki < Opponentoverview / Opponentcategory < Quag Primus (Earth)