Difference between revisions of "Baroness Dress"

[checked revision][checked revision]
Line 1: Line 1:
<!-- Classes that can use this armour, accepted values are warrior ; ninja ; shaman ; sura ; lycan -->
|Classes = shaman
<!-- Level of armour - accepted values: Level or level interval in ## - ## format -->
<!-- Level of armour - accepted values: Level or level interval in ## - ## format -->
<!-- Level 50 is pre-set for King/Queen armours -->
|Level = 61
<!-- Classes that can use this armour accepted values are warrior ; ninja ; shaman ; sura ;-->
<!-- Price at NPC -->
<!-- Number of sockets for spirit stones - numeric value only -->
|Price=Not available
|Sockets = 3
<!-- number of sockets for spirit stones - numeric value only -->
<!-- Powershard used to add 6/7 bonus -->
|Powershard = {{Ti|Blue Powershard}}
<!-- origin of weapon -->
<!-- Origin of armour -->
*'''Metins:''' [[Metin Jeon-Un]], [[Metin Tu-Young]]
*'''Monsters:''' [[Ghost Willow]], [[Red Ghost Stump]], [[Underworld Ice Killer Whale]], [[Underworld Ice Lion]], [[Underworld Ice Shards]]
:*{{Tm|Double-head Hell Archer}}
*'''Chests:''' [[Demon King's Chest]], [[Flame King's Chest]], [[Queen Spider Chest]], [[Nine Tail's Chest]], [[Chief Orc's Box]], [[Grim Reaper's Chest]], [[Yellow Tiger's Chest]]
:*{{Tm|En-Tai Healer}}
*'''Others:''' -
:*{{Tm|Ghost Willow}}
:*{{Tm|Giant Rock Golem}}
:*{{Tm|Infernal Claw}}
:*{{Tm|Red Ghost Willow}}
:*{{Tm|Setaou Hunter}}
:*{{Tm|Setaou Mystic}}
:*{{Tm|Underworld Ice Golem}}
:*{{Tm|Underworld Ice Lion}}
:*{{Tm|Underwrld IceKillerWhale}}
:*{{Tm|Underworld Yeti}}
*'''[[Metin:List|Metins]]:''' [[Metin Jeon-Un]], [[Metin Tu-Young]]
:*{{Ti|Demon King's Chest}}
:*{{Ti|Desert Tortoise Chest}}
:*{{Ti|Field Box 1}}
:*{{Ti|Flame King's Chest}}
:*{{Ti|Giant Spider Box}}
:*{{Ti|Gift (violet)}}
:*{{Ti|Gift (yellow)}}
:*{{Ti|Grim Reaper's Chest}}
:*{{Ti|Nine Tails' Chest}}
:*{{Ti|Queen Spider Box}}
:*{{Ti|Yellow Tiger's Chest}}
*'''Other:''' [[Alternative Drop]] (old continent - all monsters between rang 1-4 and player level 75-120)
<!-- other information -->
<!-- Other information -->
|Other =  
<!-- upgrade yang costs - numeric value only (no yang tag) ; blank if no costs -->
<!-- 1st Upgrade Items -->
|1stUpgitem5=2x [[Image:Snake Tail+.png|link=Snake Tail+]]
|1stUpgitem6=2x [[Image:Unknown Talisman+.png|link=Unknown Talisman+]]
|1stUpgitem7=2x [[Image:Demon's Gem+.png|link=Demon's Gem+]]
|1stUpgitem8=2x [[Image:Demon's Keepsake+.png|link=Demon's Keepsake+]]
|1stUpgitem9=2x [[Image:Ice Marble.png|link=Ice Marble]]
<!-- 2nd Upgrade Items -->
|2ndUpgitem7=1x [[Image:White Pearl.png|link=White Pearl]]
|2ndUpgitem8=1x [[Image:Blue Pearl.png|link=Blue Pearl]]
|2ndUpgitem9=1x [[Image:Blood Pearl.png|link=Blood Pearl]]
<!-- Defense values levels 0 to 9 -->
<!-- Defense values -->
<!-- DEF only applicable for King/Queen armour -->
<!-- DEF10 opens the +10~15 table -->
|DEF =
|DEF0 = 81
|DEF0 = 81
|DEF1 = 87
|DEF1 = 87
Line 73: Line 65:
|DEF8 = 129
|DEF8 = 129
|DEF9 = 135
|DEF9 = 135
|DEF10 =
|DEF11 =
|DEF12 =
|DEF13 =
|DEF14 =
|DEF15 =
<!-- Movement speed penalty per level -->
<!-- Movement speed -->
<!-- MS only applicable for King/Queen armour -->
|MS =
|MS0 = -13%
|MS0 = -13%
|MS1 = -13%
|MS1 = -13%
Line 85: Line 85:
|MS8 = -13%
|MS8 = -13%
|MS9 = -13%
|MS9 = -13%
|MS10 =
|MS11 =
|MS12 =
|MS13 =
|MS14 =
|MS15 =
<!-- Level of armour per upgrade, applicable for various levels -->
|LVL0 =
|LVL1 =
|LVL2 =
|LVL3 =
|LVL4 =
|LVL5 =
|LVL6 =
|LVL7 =
|LVL8 =
|LVL9 =
<!-- 1st Extra Bonus Name and values-->
<!-- Bonus1 only applicable for King/Queen armour -->
|Bonus1 =
|Bonus1-Name =
|Bonus1-0 =
|Bonus1-1 =
|Bonus1-2 =
|Bonus1-3 =
|Bonus1-4 =
|Bonus1-5 =
|Bonus1-6 =
|Bonus1-7 =
|Bonus1-8 =
|Bonus1-9 =
|Bonus1-10 =
|Bonus1-11 =
|Bonus1-12 =
|Bonus1-13 =
|Bonus1-14 =
|Bonus1-15 =
<!-- 2nd Extra Bonus Name and values-->
|Bonus2-Name =
|Bonus2-0 =
|Bonus2-1 =
|Bonus2-2 =
|Bonus2-3 =
|Bonus2-4 =
|Bonus2-5 =
|Bonus2-6 =
|Bonus2-7 =
|Bonus2-8 =
|Bonus2-9 =
|Bonus2-10 =
|Bonus2-11 =
|Bonus2-12 =
|Bonus2-13 =
|Bonus2-14 =
|Bonus2-15 =
<!-- 3rd Extra Bonus Name and values-->
|Bonus3-Name =
|Bonus3-0 =
|Bonus3-1 =
|Bonus3-2 =
|Bonus3-3 =
|Bonus3-4 =
|Bonus3-5 =
|Bonus3-6 =
|Bonus3-7 =
|Bonus3-8 =
|Bonus3-9 =
|Bonus3-10 =
|Bonus3-11 =
|Bonus3-12 =
|Bonus3-13 =
|Bonus3-14 =
|Bonus3-15 =
<!-- Upgrade yang costs - numeric value only, blank if no costs -->
|Costs0 =
|Costs1 = 1200
|Costs2 = 2500
|Costs3 = 5000
|Costs4 = 10.000
|Costs5 = 20.000
|Costs6 = 30.000
|Costs7 = 45.000
|Costs8 = 90.000
|Costs9 = 150.000
|Costs10 =
|Costs11 =
|Costs12 =
|Costs13 =
|Costs14 =
|Costs15 =
<!-- 1st Upgrade Items -->
|1stUpgitem0 =
|1stUpgitem1 =
|1stUpgitem2 =
|1stUpgitem3 =
|1stUpgitem4 =
|1stUpgitem5 = 2x [[File:Snake Tail+.png|link=Snake Tail+]]
|1stUpgitem6 = 2x [[File:Unknown Talisman+.png|link=Unknown Talisman+]]
|1stUpgitem7 = 2x [[File:Demon's Gem+.png|link=Demon's Gem+]]
|1stUpgitem8 = 2x [[File:Demon's Keepsake+.png|link=Demon's Keepsake+]]
|1stUpgitem9 = 2x [[File:Ice Marble.png|link=Ice Marble]]
|1stUpgitem10 =
|1stUpgitem11 =
|1stUpgitem12 =
|1stUpgitem13 =
|1stUpgitem14 =
|1stUpgitem15 =
<!-- 2nd Upgrade Items -->
|2ndUpgitem0 =
|2ndUpgitem1 =
|2ndUpgitem2 =
|2ndUpgitem3 =
|2ndUpgitem4 =
|2ndUpgitem5 =
|2ndUpgitem6 =
|2ndUpgitem7 = 1x [[File:White Pearl.png|link=White Pearl]]
|2ndUpgitem8 = 1x [[File:Blue Pearl.png|link=Blue Pearl]]
|2ndUpgitem9 = 1x [[File:Blood-Red Pearl.png|link=Blood-Red Pearl]]
|2ndUpgitem10 =
|2ndUpgitem11 =
|2ndUpgitem12 =
|2ndUpgitem13 =
|2ndUpgitem14 =
|2ndUpgitem15 =
<!-- 3rd Upgrade Items -->
|3rdUpgitem0 =
|3rdUpgitem1 =
|3rdUpgitem2 =
|3rdUpgitem3 =
|3rdUpgitem4 =
|3rdUpgitem5 =
|3rdUpgitem6 =
|3rdUpgitem7 =
|3rdUpgitem8 =
|3rdUpgitem9 =
|3rdUpgitem10 =
|3rdUpgitem11 =
|3rdUpgitem12 =
|3rdUpgitem13 =
|3rdUpgitem14 =
|3rdUpgitem15 =

Latest revision as of 19:12, 15 February 2025

< Metin2Wiki < Armour < Baroness Dress

Level 61 shaman armour

IG-Baroness Dress.jpg
Baroness Dress.png

Classes: shaman
Sockets: 3 sockets for Spirit Stones
Powershard: Background.pngBlue Powershard.png Blue Powershard


Upgrade Items and Stats

No Yang Necessary

Yang.png 1200

Yang.png 2500

Yang.png 5000

Yang.png 10.000

UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Baroness Dress+0
From level: 61
Defense 81
Movement Speed -13%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Baroness Dress+1
From level: 61
Defense 87
Movement Speed -13%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Baroness Dress+2
From level: 61
Defense 93
Movement Speed -13%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Baroness Dress+3
From level: 61
Defense 99
Movement Speed -13%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Baroness Dress+4
From level: 61
Defense 105
Movement Speed -13%
[ Wearable ]

Yang.png 20.000
2x Snake Tail+.png

Yang.png 30.000
2x Unknown Talisman+.png

Yang.png 45.000
2x Demon's Gem+.png 1x White Pearl.png

Yang.png 90.000
2x Demon's Keepsake+.png 1x Blue Pearl.png

Yang.png 150.000
2x Ice Marble.png 1x Blood-Red Pearl.png

UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Baroness Dress+5
From level: 61
Defense 111
Movement Speed -13%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Baroness Dress+6
From level: 61
Defense 117
Movement Speed -13%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Baroness Dress+7
From level: 61
Defense 123
Movement Speed -13%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Baroness Dress+8
From level: 61
Defense 129
Movement Speed -13%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Baroness Dress+9
From level: 61
Defense 135
Movement Speed -13%
[ Wearable ]

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< Metin2Wiki < Armour < Baroness Dress