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m (Bot: Adding ae:شفرة زودياك)
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<!-- Type of weapon - accepted values: sword 2handed dagger bow bell fan -->
<!-- Type of weapon ; accepted values: sword, sura-sword, 2handed, dagger, bow, bell, fan, claw -->
|Type = sura-sword
<!-- Level of weapon - accepted values: Level or level interval in ## - ## format -->
<!-- Level of weapon - accepted values: Level or level interval in ## - ## format -->
|Level = 105
<!-- Classes that can use this weapon accepted values are warrior ; ninja ; shaman ; sura ; 3 (for warrior ninja and sura) ; leave blank for all classes-->
<!-- Classes that can use this weapon accepted values are warrior ; ninja ; shaman ; sura ; lycan ; 3 (for warrior ninja and sura) ; leave blank for all classes-->
|wearable = sura
<!-- Price at NPC -->
<!-- number of sockets for spirit stones - numeric value only -->
|Price=Not Available
|Sockets = 3
<!-- number of sockets for spirit stones - numeric value only -->
<!-- Powershard used to add 6/7 bonus -->
|Powershard = {{Ti|Lucent Yellow Powershard}}
<!-- origin of weapon -->
<!-- Origin of weapon (remove whatever is not used) -->
|Origin= <ul>
|Origin =
:*{{Ti|Astral Treasure}}
:*{{Ti|Aventurine Treasure}}
:*{{Ti|Golden Zodiac Chest}}
:*{{Ti|Golden Zodiac Chest}}
:*{{Ti|Aventurine Treasure}}
:*{{Ti|Astral Treasure}}
<!-- other information -->
<!-- Other information -->
|Other= Weapon has average and skill bonus
|Other = <br>
*Possible to have either or both Average Damage and Skill Damage in the first two [[Bonuses|Bonus]] slot.
<!-- upgrade yang costs - numeric value only (no yang tag) ; blank if no costs -->
<!-- Upgrade yang costs - numeric value only (no yang tag) ; blank if no costs -->
|Costs0 =  
|Costs1 = 10.000
|Costs2 = 20.000
|Costs3 = 40.000
|Costs4 = 80.000
|Costs5 = 160.000
|Costs6 = 320.000
|Costs7 = 640.000
|Costs8 = 1.280.000
|Costs9 = 2.560.000
|Costs10 =
|Costs11 =
|Costs12 =
|Costs13 =
|Costs14 =
|Costs15 =
<!-- 1st Upgrade Items -->
<!-- 1st Upgrade Items -->
|1stUpgitem0 =  
|1stUpgitem1=1x {{Ti2|Red Zodiac Case}}
|1stUpgitem1 = 1x [[File:Red Zodiac Case.png|link=Red Zodiac Case]]
|1stUpgitem2=2x {{Ti2|Red Zodiac Case}}
|1stUpgitem2 = 2x [[File:Red Zodiac Case.png|link=Red Zodiac Case]]
|1stUpgitem3=4x {{Ti2|Red Zodiac Case}}
|1stUpgitem3 = 4x [[File:Red Zodiac Case.png|link=Red Zodiac Case]]
|1stUpgitem4=8x {{Ti2|Red Zodiac Case}}
|1stUpgitem4 = 8x [[File:Red Zodiac Case.png|link=Red Zodiac Case]]
|1stUpgitem5=16x {{Ti2|Red Zodiac Case}}
|1stUpgitem5 = 16x [[File:Red Zodiac Case.png|link=Red Zodiac Case]]
|1stUpgitem6=32x {{Ti2|Red Zodiac Case}}
|1stUpgitem6 = 32x [[File:Red Zodiac Case.png|link=Red Zodiac Case]]
|1stUpgitem7=64x {{Ti2|Red Zodiac Case}}
|1stUpgitem7 = 64x [[File:Red Zodiac Case.png|link=Red Zodiac Case]]
|1stUpgitem8=128x {{Ti2|Red Zodiac Case}}
|1stUpgitem8 = 128x [[File:Red Zodiac Case.png|link=Red Zodiac Case]]
|1stUpgitem9=200x {{Ti2|Red Zodiac Case}}
|1stUpgitem9 = 200x [[File:Red Zodiac Case.png|link=Red Zodiac Case]]
|1stUpgitem10 =
|1stUpgitem11 =
|1stUpgitem12 =
|1stUpgitem13 =
|1stUpgitem14 =
|1stUpgitem15 =
<!-- 2nd Upgrade Items -->
<!-- 2nd Upgrade Items -->
|2ndUpgitem0 =  
|2ndUpgitem1 =  
|2ndUpgitem2=1x {{Ti2|Sturdy Cords}}
|2ndUpgitem2 =  
|2ndUpgitem3=1x {{Ti2|Sturdy Cords}}
|2ndUpgitem3 =  
|2ndUpgitem4=2x {{Ti2|Sturdy Cords}}
|2ndUpgitem4 =  
|2ndUpgitem5=2x {{Ti2|Sturdy Cords}}
|2ndUpgitem5 =
|2ndUpgitem6=3x {{Ti2|Sturdy Cords}}
|2ndUpgitem6 =  
|2ndUpgitem7=1x {{Ti2|Titanium Dioxide}}
|2ndUpgitem7 =
|2ndUpgitem8=1x {{Ti2|Agate}}
|2ndUpgitem8 =  
|2ndUpgitem9=1x {{Ti2|Moonstone}}
|2ndUpgitem9 =
|2ndUpgitem10 =  
|2ndUpgitem11 =
|2ndUpgitem12 =  
|2ndUpgitem13 =
|2ndUpgitem14 =  
|2ndUpgitem15 =
<!-- Attack value -->
<!-- 3rd Upgrade Items -->
|AV0 = 116-164
|3rdUpgitem0 =
|AV1 = 126-174
|3rdUpgitem1 =
|AV2 = 130-178
|3rdUpgitem2 =
|AV3 = 138-186
|3rdUpgitem3 =
|AV4 = 149-197
|3rdUpgitem4 =
|AV5 = 166-214
|3rdUpgitem5 =
|AV6 = 190-238
|3rdUpgitem6 =  
|AV7 = 227-275
|3rdUpgitem7 =  
|AV8 = 283-331
|3rdUpgitem8 =  
|AV9 = 366-414
|3rdUpgitem9 =  
|3rdUpgitem10 =  
|3rdUpgitem11 =  
|3rdUpgitem12 =  
|3rdUpgitem13 =  
|3rdUpgitem14 =  
|3rdUpgitem15 =  
<!-- Magical Attack value -->
<!-- Attack Value -->
|MAV0 = 149-211
<!-- AV10 opens the +10~15 table -->
|MAV1 = 159-221
|AV0 = 116 - 164
|MAV2 = 163-225
|AV1 = 126 - 174
|MAV3 = 171-233
|AV2 = 130 - 178
|MAV4 = 182-244
|AV3 = 138 - 186
|MAV5 = 199-261
|AV4 = 149 - 197
|MAV6 = 223-285
|AV5 = 166 - 214
|MAV7 = 260-322
|AV6 = 190 - 238
|MAV8 = 316-378
|AV7 = 227 - 275
|MAV9 = 399-461
|AV8 = 283 - 331
|AV9 = 366 - 414
|AV10 =
|AV11 =
|AV12 =
|AV13 =
|AV14 =
|AV15 =
<!-- Magical Attack Value (if applicable) -->
|MAV0 = 149 - 211
|MAV1 = 159 - 221
|MAV2 = 163 - 225
|MAV3 = 171 - 233
|MAV4 = 182 - 244
|MAV5 = 199 - 261
|MAV6 = 223 - 285
|MAV7 = 260 - 322
|MAV8 = 316 - 378
|MAV9 = 399 - 461
|MAV10 =
|MAV11 =
|MAV12 =
|MAV13 =
|MAV14 =
|MAV15 =
<!-- Attack speed -->
<!-- Attack speed -->
|AS0 = +18%
|AS1 = +19%
|AS2 = +20%
|AS3 = +21%
|AS4 = +22%
|AS5 = +23%
|AS6 = +24%
|AS7 = +25%
|AS8 = +26%
|AS9 = +27%
|AS10 =
|AS11 =
|AS12 =
|AS13 =
|AS14 =
|AS15 =
<!-- Level of the weapon per upgrade (if applicable) -->
|LVL0 =
|LVL1 =
|LVL2 =
|LVL3 =
|LVL4 =
|LVL5 =
|LVL6 =
|LVL7 =
|LVL8 =
|LVL9 =
|LVL10 =
|LVL11 =
|LVL12 =
|LVL13 =
|LVL14 =
|LVL15 =
<!-- 1st Extra Bonus Name and values-->
|Bonus1-Name =
|Bonus1-0 =
|Bonus1-1 =
|Bonus1-2 =
|Bonus1-3 =
|Bonus1-4 =
|Bonus1-5 =
|Bonus1-6 =
|Bonus1-7 =
|Bonus1-8 =
|Bonus1-9 =
|Bonus1-10 =
|Bonus1-11 =
|Bonus1-12 =
|Bonus1-13 =
|Bonus1-14 =
|Bonus1-15 =
<!-- 2nd Extra Bonus Name and values-->
|Bonus2-Name =
|Bonus2-0 =
|Bonus2-1 =
|Bonus2-2 =
|Bonus2-3 =
|Bonus2-4 =
|Bonus2-5 =
|Bonus2-6 =
|Bonus2-7 =
|Bonus2-8 =
|Bonus2-9 =
|Bonus2-10 =
|Bonus2-11 =
|Bonus2-12 =
|Bonus2-13 =
|Bonus2-14 =
|Bonus2-15 =
[[ae:شفرة زودياك]]
[[ae:شفرة زودياك]]
[[fr:Lame du zodiaque]]
[[fr:Lame du zodiaque]]
[[it:Lama dello Zodiaco]]
[[it:Lama dello Zodiaco]]
[[ro:Lamă Zodiac]]
[[ro:Lamă Zodiac]]

Latest revision as of 08:22, 22 March 2025

< Metin2Wiki < Weapons < Zodiac Blade

Level 105 sura-sword

IG-Zodiac Blade.png
Zodiac Blade.png

Classes: Sura
Sockets: 3 sockets for Spirit Stones
Powershard: Background.pngLucent Yellow Powershard.png Lucent Yellow Powershard


  • Possible to have either or both Average Damage and Skill Damage in the first two Bonus slot.

Upgrade Items and Stats

No Yang Necessary

1x Red Zodiac Case.png

2x Red Zodiac Case.png

4x Red Zodiac Case.png

8x Red Zodiac Case.png

UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Zodiac Blade+0
From level: 105
Attack Value 116 - 164
Magical Attack Value 149 - 211
Attack Speed +18%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Zodiac Blade+1
From level: 105
Attack Value 126 - 174
Magical Attack Value 159 - 221
Attack Speed +19%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Zodiac Blade+2
From level: 105
Attack Value 130 - 178
Magical Attack Value 163 - 225
Attack Speed +20%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Zodiac Blade+3
From level: 105
Attack Value 138 - 186
Magical Attack Value 171 - 233
Attack Speed +21%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Zodiac Blade+4
From level: 105
Attack Value 149 - 197
Magical Attack Value 182 - 244
Attack Speed +22%
[ Wearable ]

16x Red Zodiac Case.png

32x Red Zodiac Case.png

64x Red Zodiac Case.png

128x Red Zodiac Case.png

200x Red Zodiac Case.png

UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Zodiac Blade+5
From level: 105
Attack Value 166 - 214
Magical Attack Value 199 - 261
Attack Speed +23%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Zodiac Blade+6
From level: 105
Attack Value 190 - 238
Magical Attack Value 223 - 285
Attack Speed +24%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Zodiac Blade+7
From level: 105
Attack Value 227 - 275
Magical Attack Value 260 - 322
Attack Speed +25%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Zodiac Blade+8
From level: 105
Attack Value 283 - 331
Magical Attack Value 316 - 378
Attack Speed +26%
[ Wearable ]
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Zodiac Blade+9
From level: 105
Attack Value 366 - 414
Magical Attack Value 399 - 461
Attack Speed +27%
[ Wearable ]

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