King Scorpion

Deathreaper22.png Level 39 King Scorpion Deathreaper22.png
King Scorpion.png
Infos: Area:

Stage: 2
Effective bonus*: -
Basic-EXP: 1319
Attackvalue: Still no entry.

Valley of Seungryong, Yongbi Desert


Scorpion Tail, Apricot Bell, Barbarian Sword, Red Eye Bow, Stone Fan, Sting Fan, Twelve Spirit Sword, Lion Plate Armour, Ninja Suit, Mystic Plate Armour, Ant Lion Suit, Amethyst Bracelet, Bronze Boots, Crystal Bracelet, White Gold Necklace, Peach Blossom


Still no entry.

*Effective bonus: a bonus, which can be on certain equipment, works against monsters of a certain kind (the "Strong against _____" bonuses).