Hwang Temple

(Redirected from Forbbiden Temple)
Hwang Temple Logo.jpg

FlagNeutral.png Hwang Temple
The Hwang Temple, often called Dark Temple, has a total of 11 floors with esoteric monsters and a large plain with frogs. In the center of the map you find Demon Tower Guard who can let you in to do the Demon Tower dungeon from level 40. A little deeper you can do the level 75 Devil's Catacomb dungeon. If you want quicker access, from level 60 you can teleport straight to this map by talking to Teleporter from the villages.
Interactive Map
Lee ChungPoisoned SoldierCatacomb GuardGum MemorialDemon Tower GuardTeleporterCastle GateValley of SeungryongHwang Temple Interactive Map.png
No metins available on this map
Ore Veins

Other Information
Monsters Distribution
Metins spawn areas
No image available for Monsters distribution. No image available for metin spawn areas.
Adjacent areas
Old Man
You cannot reach this area via the Old Man
Can be reached via Teleporter in:
From level 60:
Flag yellow.png Flag blue.png Flag red.png