Rune Sword

< Metin2Wiki < Weapons < Rune Sword

Level 87 - 105 sword

IG-Rune Sword.jpg
Rune Sword.png

Classes: Warrior Ninja Sura
Sockets: 3 sockets for Spirit Stones
Powershard: Background.pngRed Powershard.png Red Powershard


  • It is not possible to switch "Strong against Half Humans" on this weapon. It is, however, possible to carry it over from Triton Sword (Admiral Angmur method).
  • The crafting method of Admiral Angmur is guaranteed success and bonuses/spirit stones are kept, while Jae-Seon Kim's is not. The higher grade the Battle Sword has, the higher the success rate. See also: Item Refinement

Upgrade Items and Stats

No Yang Necessary

10x Energy Fragment.png

15x Energy Fragment.png

20x Energy Fragment.png

30x Energy Fragment.png

UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Rune Sword+0
From level: 87
Attack Value 153 - 207
Magical Attack Value 119 - 161
Attack Speed +15%
Strong against Half H. +2%
Strength against Monster +1%
[ Wearable ]
Warrior Ninja Sura
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Rune Sword+1
From level: 89
Attack Value 163 - 217
Magical Attack Value 129 - 171
Attack Speed +15%
Strong against Half H. +3%
Strength against Monster +1%
[ Wearable ]
Warrior Ninja Sura
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Rune Sword+2
From level: 91
Attack Value 167 - 221
Magical Attack Value 133 - 175
Attack Speed +15%
Strong against Half H. +4%
Strength against Monster +2%
[ Wearable ]
Warrior Ninja Sura
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Rune Sword+3
From level: 93
Attack Value 175 - 229
Magical Attack Value 141 - 183
Attack Speed +15%
Strong against Half H. +5%
Strength against Monster +2%
[ Wearable ]
Warrior Ninja Sura
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Rune Sword+4
From level: 95
Attack Value 186 - 240
Magical Attack Value 152 - 194
Attack Speed +15%
Strong against Half H. +6%
Strength against Monster +3%
[ Wearable ]
Warrior Ninja Sura

45x Energy Fragment.png

65x Energy Fragment.png

95x Energy Fragment.png

140x Energy Fragment.png

200x Energy Fragment.png

UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Rune Sword+5
From level: 97
Attack Value 205 - 257
Magical Attack Value 169 - 211
Attack Speed +15%
Strong against Half H. +7%
Strength against Monster +3%
[ Wearable ]
Warrior Ninja Sura
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Rune Sword+6
From level: 99
Attack Value 227 - 291
Magical Attack Value 193 - 235
Attack Speed +15%
Strong against Half H. +8%
Strength against Monster +4%
[ Wearable ]
Warrior Ninja Sura
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Rune Sword+7
From level: 101
Attack Value 267 - 318
Magical Attack Value 230 - 272
Attack Speed +15%
Strong against Half H. +10%
Strength against Monster +4%
[ Wearable ]
Warrior Ninja Sura
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Rune Sword+8
From level: 103
Attack Value 320 - 374
Magical Attack Value 286 - 328
Attack Speed +15%
Strong against Half H. +12%
Strength against Monster +5%
[ Wearable ]
Warrior Ninja Sura
UL nativelook.png
UR nativelook.png
DL nativelook.png
DR nativelook.png
Rune Sword+9
From level: 105
Attack Value 405 - 457
Magical Attack Value 369 - 411
Attack Speed +15%
Strong against Half H. +15%
Strength against Monster +5%
[ Wearable ]
Warrior Ninja Sura

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