Entry requirements
- You can reach the Zodiac temple through the teleporters in maps 1 and 2 for each kingdom.
- You need a minimum level of 20 to enter the Zodiac Temple.
- Here you will find the 12 portals, 12 Gods of the Zodiac, each day there's 2 temples open, and on Sunday, all the temples are available.
- You can enter alone or in a group up to 8 players. In the case of a group, the group leader must be the one to click the portal for the run to start to the entire group.
- To enter the Portal, each player must have at least 12 Animaspheres.
Animaspheres are received 1 per hour, even if the character is online or offline, up to a maximum of 36.
Animashperes can also be refilled using  Sphere Parchment
- There are 40 Floors, most are standard floors, the rest are bonus floors
- Each standard floor has a time limit of 10 minutes to be completed.
- Each bonus floor has a time limit of 5 minutes to be completed.
- Each floor will have a random objective, out of 4 possible.
- Some floors can have several phases, each with 1 goal.
- If the player dies at any stage, the player will be transfered out of the run, into the 1st map of zodiac temple
- If in group, player will be kicked out of the group and transfered.
- If it's the leader of the group, it group leadership will be transfered to a player that reamins on the run
 Prism of Revival and  Prism of Revival (Q) can be used to revive a player.
- Floors 7,14,21,28,35,36,37,38,39 are bonus floors, the rest are standard floors
- The reward for completing floor 34 is
 Golden Zodiac Chest
- On floor 40, the NPC is available for 5 minutes
- For more detailed information about the structure, rewards and goals of the zodiac temple floors please Click Here
Zodiac Temple Table
- Both insignias can also be used to get other chests, at dialogue options, you can access the zodiac table
- For example, you have 50x
 You Insignia and 50x Xin Insignia you will be able to check a box on the table, as the image below shows.
You will be asked if you want to tick the checkbox, selecting Yes for ticking, the 100 insignias will disappear from the inventory.File:Zodiac Temple Tick Box.png.
Interactive Map