Difference between revisions of "Experience"

[checked revision][checked revision]
(Relative Exp.)
(Influencing Factors)
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*Chances bonus EXP as a random bonus in shoes , necklaces and shields
*Chances bonus EXP as a random bonus in shoes , necklaces and shields
*[[Power Mounts]] - Chance of EXP bonus (Wild 3% / Valiant 5%)  
*[[Power Mounts]] - Chance of EXP bonus (Wild 3% / Valiant 5%)  
Only when in group:
*{{Ti|leader Book}} (+30% when use by the leader of the group)
*Bonus members of the group (12% ~ 100%)

Revision as of 19:31, 15 September 2013


Experience (Usually shorten to XP or EXP) is necessary for the development of your character. Without experience you can not make new levels and thus enhance skills, stats, wear better armor and weapons, etc.

You can get XP in several ways. By killing monsters and completing quests.

For each level the XP requirement is different, but you always have to fill the experience balls in the bottom left of your screen. When you fill the 1st, 2nd and 3rd ball you will be able to add 1 status point to your character. When you fill the 4th ball you will procede to the next level and recieve 1 extra skill point to use.

The absolute ammount of XP made, and the ammount left to the next level can also be seen on your Status window, accessible by pressing the "C" key or by pressing the status button Status Button.png

Needed Exp

Level EXP
1 300
2 800
3 1.500
4 2.500
5 4.300
6 7.200
7 11.000
8 17.000
9 24.000
10 33.000
11 43.000
12 58.000
13 76.000
14 100.000
15 130.000
16 169.000
17 219.000
18 283.000
19 365.000
20 472.000
21 610.000
22 705.000
23 813.000
24 937.000
25 1.077.000
26 1.237.000
27 1.418.000
28 1.624.000
29 1.857.000
30 2.122.000
31 2.421.000
32 2.761.000
33 3.145.000
34 3.580.000
35 4.073.000
Level EXP
36 4.632.000
37 5.194.000
38 5.717.000
39 6.264.000
40 6.837.000
41 7.600.000
42 8.274.000
43 8.990.000
44 9.753.000
45 10.560.000
46 11.410.000
47 12.320.000
48 13.270.000
49 14.280.000
50 15.340.000
51 16.870.000
52 18.960.000
53 19.980.000
54 21.420.000
55 22.930.000
56 24.580.000
57 26.200.000
58 27.960.000
59 29.800.000
60 32.780.000
61 36.060.000
62 39.670.000
63 43.640.000
64 48.000.000
65 52.800.000
66 58.080.000
67 63.890.000
68 70.280.000
69 77.310.000
70 85.040.000
Level EXP
71 93.540.000
72 102.900.000
73 113.200.000
74 124.500.000
75 137.000.000
76 150.700.000
77 165.700.000
78 236.990.000
79 260.650.000
80 286.780.000
81 315.000.000
82 346.970.000
83 381.680.000
84 419.770.000
85 461.760.000
86 508.040.000
87 558.740.000
88 614.640.000
89 676.130.000
90 743.730.000
92 1.145.344.200
93 1.259.878.620
94 1.385.866.482
95 1.524.453.130
96 1.676.898.443
97 1.844.588.288
104 2.310.000.000
105 Currently can not be leveled.

Relative Exp.

Depending on your level and the level of your opponent you get a certain percentage of EXP. If your level is lower, you get a few percent extra experience. In contrast, if the opponents is lower level you get less experience. The base value of possible EXP gain from monsters can be found in the Monsters List . The base is the number of EXP that you get if you have the same level as the adversary.

If the monster is 14 Level over you = 170% Exp.
If the monster is 13 Level over you = 165% Exp.
If the monster is 12 Level over you = 160% Exp.
If the monster is 11 Level over you = 155% Exp.
If the monster is 10 Level over you = 150% Exp.
If the monster is 9 Level over you = 145% Exp.
If the monster is 8 Level over you = 140% Exp.
If the monster is 7 Level over you = 135% Exp.
If the monster is 6 Level over you = 130% Exp.
If the monster is 5 Level over you = 125% Exp.
If the monster is 4 Level over you = 120% Exp.
If the monster is 3 Level over you = 115% Exp.
If the monster is 2 Level over you = 110% Exp.
If the monster is 1 Level over you = 105% Exp.
If the monster is same level has as you = 100% Exp. (Default)
If the monster is 1 Level under you = 100% Exp. (Default)
If the monster is 2 Level under you = 98% Exp.
If the monster is 3 Level under you = 96% Exp.
If the monster is 4 Level under you = 94% Exp.
If the monster is 5 Level under you = 92% Exp.
If the monster is 6 Level under you = 90% Exp.
If the monster is 7 Level under you = 85% Exp.
If the monster is 8 Level under you = 80% Exp.
If the monster is 9 Level under you = 75% Exp.
If the monster is 10 Level under you = 50% Exp.
If the monster is 11 Level under you = 30% Exp.
If the monster is 12 Level under you = 20% Exp.
If the monster is 13 Level under you = 10% Exp.
If the monster is 14 Level under you = 0-1% Exp. (0 - 8 Exp)

Note:Attention! This table is only theoretical. Unable to rely on it's values 100%!

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Influencing Factors

There are other factors, besides beeing lower level than the opponent that can influence the ammount of experience earned. Some of them can be used simultaineously and the effects stack.

Only when in group:

  • Background.png22px leader Book (+30% when use by the leader of the group)
  • Bonus members of the group (12% ~ 100%)

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Equal and level distribution of experience

The group leader can select between two kinds of the distribution of the points of experience. With even distribution everyone gets points of experience (personal Boni, Example exactly equal much: by an experience ring or a Jadeshoes among it are however still ranked). During level distribution however get higher level more experience exactly proportionately after the level. Someone with Lvl 50 gets Example in the same group: exactly twice as much EXP like someone with Lvl 25.

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