Difference between revisions of "Monsters"

[checked revision][unchecked revision]
(Level 26 - 50)
(Level 1 - 25)
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| {{SPlaceKey|04_1_al|4}}  
| {{SPlaceKey|04_1_al|4}}  
| 1
| 1
| [[Alpha-Wolf]]
| [[Alpha Wolf]]
| [[Joan]], [[Pyungmoo]], [[Yongan]]
| [[Joan]], [[Pyungmoo]], [[Yongan]]
| 51
| 51
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| {{SPlaceKey|04_1_hu|4}}  
| {{SPlaceKey|04_1_hu|4}}  
| 1
| 1
| [[Hungry Alpha-Wolf]]
| [[Hungry Alpha Wolf]]
| [[Joan]], [[Pyungmoo]], [[Yongan]]
| [[Joan]], [[Pyungmoo]], [[Yongan]]
| 36
| 36

Revision as of 16:41, 29 May 2010

< Metin2Wiki < Monsters


The monsters lose Yang, equipment and other Item s. You can also gain by killing the monster experience (EXP) and achieve the next level. It can be found everywhere and on each card and try to kill monsters. Each monster has a level (like the player) and a stage. The Stagen ranging from Stage 1 (normal) to Stage 5 (very much;) eg Metin stone, as well as the stage boss and ask that the regeneration rate of the monster. The higher the stage, the faster the monster regenerates his life points and the better his defense.

If the player is 16 levels above the monsters killed, he shall receive no EXP or items from that monster.

In addition, you get more EXP with a lower level of the same opponents and vice versa with a higher level less EXP. It tries to compile a detailed breakdown. More details can be read here: EXP-distribution

Map1 = Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
Map2 = Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang
Guildzone = Imha, Jungrang, Waryong
Demon Tower
Hasun Dong = Ape cave Beginner
Hwang-Temple = Dark Temple
Jungsun Dong = Ape cave Normal
Kuahklo Dong = Spider Dungeon
Village of Giants = Oger-Village
Lungsam = Ghostwood
Red Wood
Sangsun Dong = Ape cave Expert
Valley of Seungryong = Kite Valley = Orc Valley
Yongbi-Desert = Big Desert

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Level 1 - 25

Level Stage Name Place EXP Alone Aggressively
01_1_hu1 1 Hungry Stray Dog Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 11
01_1_wi1 1 Wild Dog Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 15
03_1_hu3 1 Hungry Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 27
03_1_wo3 1 Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 39
04_1_al4 1 Alpha Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 51
04_1_hu4 1 Hungry Alpha Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 36
06_1_bl6 1 Blue Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 75
06_1_hu6 1 Hungry Blue Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 53
07_1_hu7 1 Hungry Wild Boar Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 61
07_1_ke7 1 Wild Boar Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 87
08_3_ve8 3 Cursed Wolf Imha, Jungrang, Snakefield, Waryong 198
09_1_al9 1 Alpha Blue Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 111
09_1_hu9 1 Hungry Alpha Blue Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 78
09_4_cu9 4 Cung-Mok Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 62
09_4_ve9 4 Cursed Alpha Wolf Imha, Jungrang, Snakefield, Waryong
10_2_hu10 2 Hungry Red Boar Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 103
10_2_ro10 2 Red Boar Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 148
10_4_ju10 4 Jug-Hyul Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
11_3_ve11 3 Cursed Blue Wolf Imha, Jungrang, Snakefield, Waryong
12_1_ba12 1 Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 147
12_1_hu12 1 Hungry Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 103
13_1_gr13 1 Grey Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 159
13_1_hu13 1 Hungry Grey Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 111
14_4_ve14 4 Cursed Alpha Blue Wolf Imha, Jungrang, Snakefield, Waryong
15_2_gr15 2 Grizzly BearGrizzly Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 220
15_2_hu15 2 Hungry Grizzly BearHungry Grizzly Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 154
15_4_ve15 4 Cursed Red Boar Imha, Joan, Jungrang, Pyungmoo, Snakefield, Waryong, Yongan 585
16_2_al16 2 Alpha Grey Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 234
16_2_hu16 2 Hungry Alpha Grey Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 164
16_4_mu16 4 Mu-Rang Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 200
17_3_ve17 3 Cursed BearCursed Bear Imha, Jungrang, Snakefield, Waryong 372
18_1_fe18 1 Craven White Oath SoldierCraven White Oath Soldier Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 256
18_1_hu18 1 Hungry Tiger Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 256
18_1_ti18 1 Tiger Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 365
18_1_we18 1 White Oath SoldierWhite Oath Soldier Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang, Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 365
18_2_we18 2 Cursed White Oath SoldierCursed White Oath Soldier Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang
19_1_hu19 1 Hungry black bearHungry black bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 249
19_1_sc19 1 Black BearBlack Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 385
20_1_fe20 1 Craven White Oath ArcherCraven White Oath Archer Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 285
20_1_we20 1 White Oath ArcherWhite Oath Archer Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang, Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 445
20_2_we20 2 Cursed White Oath ArcherCursed White Oath Archer Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang
20_4_ve20 4 Cursed Grizzly BearCursed Grizzly Bear Imha, Jungrang, Snakefield, Waryong 1429
21_2_br21 2 Brown BearBrown Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 510
21_2_hu21 2 Hungry Brown BearHungry Brown Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 357
21_4_ve21 4 Cursed Alpha Grey Wolf Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 1020
21_4_yo21 4 Young-Ji Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 220
22_1_sc22 1 Weak Ape Soldier Hasun Dong 356
23_4_mi23 4 Mi-Jung Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2604
23_4_mu23 4 Dispirited Mi-Jung Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 1823
24_2_hu24 2 Hungry White TigerHungry White Tiger Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
24_2_we24 2 White TigerWhite Tiger Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 584
24_3_vs24 3 Cursed Black BearCursed Black Bear Imha, Jungrang, Snakefield, Waryong
24_3_vt24 3 Cursed Tiger Imha, Jungrang, Snakefield, Waryong
24_4_li24 4 Li-An Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 530
25_2_sc25 2 Weak Ape Thrower Hasun Dong
25_2_wg25 2 White Oath GeneralWhite Oath General Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
25_2_wk25 2 White Oath CommanderWhite Oath Commander Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
25_3_fe25 3 Craven White-oath Commander Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan
25_3_wg25 3 Cursed White-oath GeneralCursed White-oath General Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang
25_3_wk25 3 Cursed White-oath commanderCursed White-oath commander Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang

▲ To the top ▲

Level 26 - 50

Level Stage Name Place EXP Remark
26_1_bo26 1 Evil Sister Assault Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 514
26_1_or26 1 Orc Valley of Seungryong 1037 Alone
26_1_sc26 1 Black Wind Solider Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 735
26_4_eu26 4 Eun-Jung Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2940 attacks automatically, wenn White oath commander oder White oath general in ihrer Gruppe sind
26_4_mu26 4 Dispirited Eun-Jung Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2058 Alone
26_4_ve26 4 Cursed Brown BearCursed Brown Bear Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan, Imha, Jungrang, Waryong 1260 attacks automatically; 2 of which always accompanyBera
27_1_sc27 1 Black wind obsessed Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 763
27_3_sc27 3 Weak Ape FighterWeak Ape Fighter Hasun Dong attacks automatically
28_4_mu28 4 Dispirited Se-Rang Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2215 Alone
28_4_se28 4 Se-Rang Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 3164 attacks automatically, if White Oath Commander or White Oath General are in their group
29_1_bo29 1 Evil Storm ArcherEvil Storm Archer Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 573
29_1_sc29 1 Black Wind ArcherBlack Wind Archer Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 819
29_1_st29 1 St.Wild Infantryman Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 819
29_1_wi29 1 Wild Infantryman Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 819
29_2_or29 2 Orc ScoutOrc Scout Valley of Seungryong 1019 Alone
29_4_sc29 4 Weak Ape General Hasun Dong attacks automatically
29_4_ve29 4 Cursed White TigerCursed White Tiger Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 1403 attacks automatically; 2 of which always accompany Tigris
30_2_bo30 2 Evil Storm Joh-HwanEvil Storm Joh-Hwan Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 711
30_2_sc30 2 Black Wind Jak-To Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 1016
30_4_ly30 4 Lykos Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2420 attacks automatically; has always 2 Cursed Alpha Grey Wolf with him
30_boss30 BOSS Rock ape Hasun Dong attacks automatically
31_2_or31 2 Orc FighterOrc Fighter Valley of Seungryong Alone
31_3_sc31 3 Black Wind Solder Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang Alone
31_4_ji31 4 Jin-Hee Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 3500 attacks automatically; has 2x White-oath archer, 1x White Oath Commander, and 1x White Oath General with him
31_4_mu31 4 Dispirited Jin-Hee Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2450 Alone
31_4_sc31 4 Scrofa Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2512 attacks automatically; always has 2 Cursed Red Boar with him
32_1_st32 1 St. Wild Devoted Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 903
32_1_wi32http://wiki.metin-2.com/images/logo/1.png 1 Wild Devoted Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 903
32_4_ma32 4 Mahon Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 3612 has 2x Black Wind Archer, and 2x Black Wind Gu-Ryung with him
33_2_bo33 2 Evil Storm Kyuk-Jang Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 782
33_2_sc33 2 Black Wind To-Su Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 1117
33_3_or33 3 Orc magicianOrc magician Valley of Seungryong 1110 Alone
33_3_sc33 3 Black storm possessed Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 798 Alone
33_4_be33 4 Bera Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2660 attacks automatically; always has 2 Cursed Brown Bear bei sich
34_1_mu34 1 Gr. Proud Ork Valley of Seungryong 670
34_1_st34 1 Proud Orc Valley of Seungryong 959
35_1_af35 1 Monkey Soldier Jungsun Dong attacks automatically
35_1_du35 1 Dark fanatics Valley of Seungryong 987
35_1_ho35 1 High fanatics Valley of Seungryong 691
35_2_bo35 2 Wicked storm-Pho-HwanWicked storm-Pho-Hwan Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 829
35_2_sc35 2 Black Wind-Gu-ryung Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 1184
35_2_st35 2 St. Wild ArcherSt. Wild Archer Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 1184
35_2_wi35 2 Wild ArcherWild Archer Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 1184
35_3_br35 3 Brutal Solder Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang, Valley of Seungryong 513 attacks automatically; Alone
35_3_sc35 3 Black ArcherBlack Archer Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 946 Alone
35_4_ti35 4 Tigris Joan, Pyungmoo, Yongan 2820 attacks automatically; always has 2 Liquefaction White Tiger with him
36_2_mu36 2 Gr brave Orc ScoutGr brave Orc Scout Valley of Seungryong 853
36_2_st36 2 Proud Orc ScoutProud Orc Scout Valley of Seungryong 1218
36_3_wi36 3 Wild General Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 2030
36_3_wi36 3 St. Wild General Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 2030
36_4_sc36 4 Black storm-Joh-Hwan Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 1740 Alone
37_2_af37 2 [[Ape thrower] Jungsun Dong 715 attacks automatically
37_2_wu37 2 Flying Desert EyeFlying Desert Eye Yongbi-Desert 1252
37_3_br37 3 Brutal maniac Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang, Valley of Seungryong 542 attacks automatically; Alone
37_4_bo37 4 Bo Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 4172 hat 2x Black Wind Archer und 2x Black Wind-Gu-ryung bei sich
38_2_du38 2 Dark Arahan Valley of Seungryong 1101
38_2_ho38 2 High Arahan Valley of Seungryong 771
38_4_sc38 4 Black Storm Kyuk-Jan Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang Alone
39_2_ko39 2 Scorpion KingScorpion King Valley of Seungryong, Yongbi-Desert 1319
39_2_mu39 2 Gr Brave Orc FighterGr Brave Orc Fighter Valley of Seungryong 923
39_2_st39 2 Proud Orc FighterProud Orc Fighter Valley of Seungryong 1319
39_3_af39 3 Monkey fighterMonkey fighter Jungsun Dong attacks automatically
39_4_go39 4 Goo-Pae Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 4396 hat 2x Black Wind Archer und 2x Black Wind-Gu-ryung bei sich
40_3_mu40 3 Gr Proud orc magician Valley of Seungryong 1578
40_3_st40 3 Proud Orc magician Valley of Seungryong 2254
40_4_af40 4 Ape general Jungsun Dong attacks automatically
40_4_br40 4 Brutal ArcherBrutal Archer Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang, Valley of Seungryong 1171 Alone attacks automatically
40_4_sc40 4 Black storm-Pho-Hwan Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 1932 Alone
41_2_du41 2 Dark FighterDark Fighter Valley of Seungryong 1188
41_2_ho41 2 High Arahan FighterHigh Arahan Fighter Valley of Seungryong
41_4_st41 4 Stone monkey Jungsun Dong attacks automatically
42_4_br42 4 Brutal specialist Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang, Valley of Seungryong 1230 attacks automatically; Alone
42_boss42 BOSS Brutal Captain Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang attacks automatically; has 2x Wild Archer and 2x Wild General with him
43_1_ba43 1 Baby spider Yongbi-Desert 1210
43_1_bo43 1 Evil Baby Poison spiderEvil Baby Poison spider Yongbi-Desert 848
43_boss43 BOSS Walking monkeyWalking monkey Jungsun Dong
44_3_ho44 3 High Chief ArahanHigh Chief Arahan Valley of Seungryong 1239
44_3_mu44 3 Proud strong Orc general Valley of Seungryong 1952
44_3_ob44 3 High Dark Arahan Valley of Seungryong 1770
44_3_sk44 3 Young Skorpionman Yongbi-Desert 2478
44_3_st44 3 Proud Orc General Valley of Seungryong 2478
45_1_bo45 1 Evil Poison SpiderEvil Poison Spider Yongbi-Desert 886
45_1_br45 1 Evil Ape SoldierEvil Ape Soldier Sangsun Dong attacks automatically;
45_1_gi45 1 Poison spider Yongbi-Desert 1266
45_1_st45 1 Strong Ape soldier Sangsun Dong attacks automatically;
45_4_ch45 4 Chuong Bakra, Bokjung, Jayang 5068 has 1x Black Wind Archer, 1x Black Wind-Gu-ryung, 1x Black Wind Jak-To and 1x Black Wind-To-Su with him
46_4_mu46 4 Proud strong Sr. Orc Valley of Seungryong 3626
46_4_sc46 4 Black Orc Valley of Seungryong 5180
47_2_bo47 2 Evil monkey throwerEvil monkey thrower Sangsun Dong attacks automatically;
47_2_st47 2 Strong monkeys thrower Sangsun Dong attacks automatically;
47_3_sk47 3 Scorpion ArcherScorpion Archer Yongbi-Desert 2646
48_2_bo48 2 Boese rote GiftspinneBöse rote Giftspinne Yongbi-Desert 1135
48_2_du48 2 Dark Executioner Valley of Seungryong 1158
48_2_ho48 2 High Executioner Valley of Seungryong 811
48_2_ro48 2 Red Poison spider Yongbi-Desert 1621
48_3_sc48 3 Snake Swordsman Yongbi-Desert 2702
49_2_le49 2 Corpse spirit Mount Sohan
49_2_w.49 2 W. Corpse spirit Mount Sohan attacks automatically. at the same time 1 Corpse spirit 2x Plage dog
49_3_bo49 3 Evil Ape fighterEvil Ape fighter Sangsun Dong attacks automatically;
49_3_st49 3 Strong Ape fighterStrong Ape fighter Sangsun Dong attacks automatically;
49_4_du49 4 Dark tormentors Valley of Seungryong
49_4_ho49 4 High tormentor Valley of Seungryong 2758
49_4_mu49 4 Mutiger Schw. Orkriese Valley of Seungryong
49_4_sc49 4 Black Giant Orc Valley of Seungryong
50_2_bo50 2 Boese KlauengiftspinneEvil claw poison spider Yongbi-Desert 1182
50_2_kl50 2 Claw spider Yongbi-Desert 1688
50_3_ba50 3 Baby poison spider Kuahklo Dong
50_boss50 BOSS Chief Orc Valley of Seungryong attacks automatically;

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Level 51 - 75

Level Stage Name Place EXPhttp://wiki.metin-2.com/images/logo/1.png Remark
51_2_pl51 2 Plaque Dog Mount Sohan 917
51_2_w.51 2 Angry plaque dog Mount Sohan 643 attacks automatically
51_3_sc51 3 Snake Archer Yongbi-Desert 2869
51_4_du51 4 Esoteric Summoner Valley of Seungryong 4084
51_4_ho51 4 High Summoner Valley of Seungryong 2869
52_1_br52 1 Bestial Fanatic Hwang-Temple 732
52_1_st52 1 Elite Esoteric Fanatic Hwang-Temple 1045
52_2_so52 2 Soldier Spider Yongbi-Desert 1756
52_3_to52 3 Poison Deadly spider Kuahklo Dong 2431
52_4_bo52 4 Evil Ape General Sangsun Dong 2050 attacks automatically;
52_4_st52 4 Strong Ape GeneralStrong Ape General Sangsun Dong attacks automatically;
53_2_br53 2 Brutal Arahan Hwang-Temple 895
53_2_pl53 2 Plagued man Mount Sohan 1021
53_2_st53 2 Proud dark Arahan Hwang-Temple 1278
53_2_w.53 2 W. Plagued man Mount Sohan 715 attacks automatically
53_4_bo53 4 Evil stone ApeEvil stone Ape Sangsun Dong attacks automatically
53_4_st53 4 [Strong stone ApeStrong stone Ape Sangsun Dong attacks automatically
54_2_br54 2 Brutal Arahan FighterBrutal Arahan Fighter Hwang-Temple 910
54_2_st54 2 Proud dark FighterProud dark Fighter Hwang-Temple 1301
54_3_br54 3 Brutal high Arahan Hwang-Temple 1518
54_3_st54 3 Proud dark Colonel Hwang-Temple 2170
54_4_bo54 4 Evil Gold ApeEvil Gold Ape Sangsun Dong attacks automatically
54_4_ro54 4 Red poison deadly spiderRed poison deadly spider Kuahklo Dong 4823
54_4_sg54 4 Strong Gold ApeStrong Gold Ape Sangsun Dong attacks automatically
54_4_sw54 4 Strong Desert OutlawStrong Desert Outlaw Yongbi-Desert 4252
54_4_wu54 4 Desert OutlawDesert Outlaw Yongbi-Desert
54_BOSS54 BOSS Darke leaderDarke leader Hwang-Temple attacks automatically; has 2x Proud dark Archer und 2x Proud dark Magician with him
55_2_br55 2 Brutal executioner Hwang-Temple 928
55_2_st55 2 Proud dark ArcherProud dark Archer Hwang-Temple 1325
55_3_pl55 3 Plaged SwordsmanPlaged Swordsman Mount Sohan 1767
55_3_w.55 3 W. Plagued fighterW. Plagued fighter Mount Sohan 1327 attacks automatically
55_BOSS55 BOSS Monkey LordMonkey Lord Sangsun Dong attacks automatically
56_4_br56 4 Brutal tormentor Hwang-Temple 3150
56_4_kl56 4 Poison Claw spider Kuahklo Dong 5016
56_4_st56 4 Proud dark Tormentor Hwang-Temple 4500
57_2_ba57 2 Tree frog soldier Hwang-Temple 1099
57_2_da57 2 Demon SoldierDemon Soldier Demon Tower 960
57_4_br57 4 Brutal SummonerBrutal Summoner Hwang-Temple 5500
57_4_st57 4 Proud dark Magician Hwang-Temple 4580
58_2_bu58 2 Bogeyman Hwang-Temple 1117
58_2_da58 2 Demon archerDemon archer Demon Tower 1083
58_3_pb58 3 Plaged ArcherPlaged Archer Mount Sohan 2330
58_3_ps58 3 Plaged spearmenPlaged spearmen Mount Sohan 1863
58_3_wb58 3 W. Plaged ArcherW. Plaged Archer Mount Sohan 1631 attacks automatically
58_3_ws58 3 W. Plaged spearmenW. Plaged spearmen Mount Sohan 1304 attacks automatically
58_4_so58 4 Soldiers poison spider Kuahklo Dong 5207
58_4_st58 4 Proud poison soldier spider Kuahklo Dong 5207 attacks automatically
59_2_da59 2 Demon spear fighterDemon spear fighter Demon Tower
59_4_ba59 4 Tree frog leaderTree frog leader Hwang-Temple 3792
59_4_gr59 4 Gr. Tree frog leaderGr. Tree frog leader Hwang-Temple
59_4_pl59 4 Plagued LeaderPlagued Leader Mount Sohan 3792
59_4_pl59 4 Angry Plagued LeaderAngry Plagued Leader Mount Sohan 2654 attacks automatically
60_1_kl60 1 Kleine GiftspinneBaby poison spider Spider Dungeons 2 4439
60_3_da60 3 Demon ShamanDemon Shaman Demon Tower
60_BOSS60 BOSS Spider QueenSpider Queen Kuahklo Dong attacks automatically
61_4_oc61 4 Bullfrog-General Hwang-Temple 3920
62_2_to62 2 Deadly poison spiderDeadly poison spider CV2 Spider Dungeons 2 4630
62_2_bo62 2 Evil enchanted iceEvil enchanted ice Mount Sohan 920
62_2_ve62 2 Enchanted ice Mount Sohan 1315
62_5_du62 5 Dark Spirit leaderDark Spirit leader Hwang-Temple
63_2_ei63 2 Ice Killer Whale Mount Sohan 1336
64_2_ei64 2 Ice insect Mount Sohan 679
64_3_ro64 3 Deadly red poison spiderDeadly red poison spider CV2 Spider Dungeons 2 9648
64_3_sk64 3 Scorpion ArcherScorpion Archer CV2 Spider Dungeons 2 4080
64_3_ei64 3 Ice LionIce Lion Mount Sohan 1131
64_3_sc64 3 Snake SwordsmanSnake Swordsman CV2 Spider Dungeons 2 5404
65_1_ge65 1 Ghost Tree Lungsam 768 attacks automatically
65_3_ei65 3 Ice Man Mount Sohan 1149
66_2_ze66 2 DestroyerDestroyer Snakefield, Valley of Giants Alone
66_3_kl66 3 KlauengiftspinneClaw poison spider CV2 Spider Dungeons 2 10031
66_3_sc66 3 Snakes archerSnake archer CV2 Spider Dungeons 2 5740
66_3_ye66 3 YetiYeti Mount Sohan 2476
66_4_ei66 4 Ice Golem Mount Sohan
67_1_ge67 1 Ghost Stump Lungsam 803
67_3_gg67 3 Common Spirit SoldierCommon Spirit Soldier ab Demon Tower Ground floor attacks automatically
67_3_gs67 3 Private soldierPrivate soldier ab Demon Tower Ground floor attacks automatically
67_BOSS67 BOSS Large desert tortoiseLarge desert tortoise Yongbi-Desert attacks automatically; is of 2 Desert Outlows, a Young Skorpionman and a Scorpion Archers accompanied
68_1_og68 1 Ogre Warrior Snakefield, Valley of Giants 5617 Alone
68_4_sk68 4 Soldiers poison spiderSoldiers poison spider CV2 Spider Dungeons 2 10416
68_4_wu68 4 Desert OutlawDesert Outlaw CV2 Spider Dungeons 2 12151
69_2_dr69 2 Dryad Lungsam 1030
69_2_fl69 2 Flame Ghost Doyyumhwaji 997
69_2_ka69 2 Kampftigersklave Doyyumhwaji 997
69_2_sg69 2 Stone Golem Snakefield Alone
69_3_gb69 3 Common ArcherCommon Archer ab Demon Tower Ground floor attacks automatically
69_3_gg69 3 Common Spirit ArcherCommon Spirit Archer ab Demon Tower Ground floor attacks automatically
70_2_ge70 2 Spirits willow Lungsam 1058
70_3_gg70 3 Common Spirit fightersCommon Spirit fighters ab Demon Tower 2. Etage attacks automatically
67_3_gs70 3 Common spear fightersCommon spear fighters ab Demon Tower 2. Etage attacks automatically
70_3_ka70 3 Fighting Tiger Doyyumhwaji 1686
70_3_og70 3 Oger butcherOger butcher Snakefield, Valley of Giants attacks automatically; Alone; very quick
71_3_bo71 3 BEvil TreeEvil Tree Lungsam attacks automatically
71_3_fl71 3 Flame Doyyumhwaji 1710
71_3_gg71 3 Common Spirit ShamanCommon Spirit Shaman ab Demon Tower 2. Etage attacks automatically
71_3_gs71 3 Common ShamanCommon Shaman ab Demon Tower 2. Etage attacks automatically
71_4_ge71 4 Common demons leaderCommon demons leader Demon Tower Ebene 6 attacks automatically
72_2_sb72 2 SteinbeisserSteinbeisser Snakefield attacks automatically; Alone
72_4_fl72 4 Flame Warriors Doyyumhwaji 3467
72_4_to72 4 Skull Sword MasterSkull Sword Master Demon Tower Stage 6 attacks automatically; Alone
72_BOSS72 BOSS Nine Tails Mount Sohan attacks automatically; has always 1x Enchanted ice, 1x Yeti und 3x Ice golem with him
73_3_ax73 3 Axe FighterAxe Fighter Valley of Giants attacks automatically; Alone; very quick
73_3_ft73 3 Flying SquirrelFlying Squirrel Demon Tower 2. Etage attacks automatically;
73_3_ge73 3 Ghost of ChaosGhost of Chaos Demon Tower Ebene 6 attacks automatically; Alone; Very slowly, similar to Desert Flight eye
73_4_gf73 4 Common flight dead headCommon flight dead head Demon Tower 2. Etage attacks automatically;
73_BOSS73 BOSS Flame KingFlame King Doyyumhwaji hat immer 3x Flame Ghost, 1x Flamm und 2x Flame Warrior bei sich
74_2_ro74 2 Red Ghost Tree Red Wood 1934 attacks automatically
74_4_gf74 4 Immortal Spirit Demon Tower attacks automatically
75_3_og75 3 Ogre Berserker Valley of Giants 12348 attacks automatically; Alone
75_BOSS_da75 BOSS Demon King Demon Tower (2. Etage) attacks automatically; has 2x Common spear fighters and 2x Common Schaman with him; summons until 3x Flying dead head
75_BOSS_da75 BOSS Proud Demon King Demon Tower (5. Etage) attacks automatically; ??
75_BOSS_ge75 BOSS Yellow Tiger Ghost Hwang-Temple attacks automatically; has 2x Tree frog leader and 3x Bullfrog-General with him

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Level 76 - 100

Level Stage Name Place EXP Remark
76_3_rf76 3 Huge rock golem Snakefield Alone; attacks automatically
76_3_ro76 3 Red Ghost Stump Red Wood 1793
77_3_ro77 3 Red Dryad Red Wood
77_4_ta77 4 Thousand Fighter Valley of Giants Alone; attacks automatically
78_5_se78 5 Death Reaper Demon Tower
80_4_ro80 4 Red Willow spirits Red Wood attacks automatically
80_4_ro82 4 Red evil tree Red Wood attacks automatically
84_BOSS84 BOSS Big Ghost Tree Red Wood attacks automatically; is accompanied by 3x Spirits willow
85_585 5 Ghost Tree Lord Red Wood attacks automatically; is accompanied by3x evil tree
97_597 5 Yellow Tiger Hwang-Temple, Valley of Seungryong attacks of Alonee to
is accompanied by bullfrog generals
is only at events many times faster, stronger and more aggressive than the normal yellow tiger spirit takes
with either a normal beat or an area attack rain down on where he jumps into the air and lightning and fire in a large environment can be
97_597 5 Blue Death spawn only on events
97_597 5 Reborn Chief Orc spawn only on events

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